Global MOMS act


New Member

I just caught wind of this and am all for it. Our infant mortality rate is not stellar for as rich a nation as we are, although other factors do exist. It seems to me this bill would mitigate some of those other factors and hopefully, lower the infant mortality rate.

But, the fun part is where we tell each other why the other 'just doesn't get it', so let the debating begin! :hump:


Well-Known Member
100% against it. Now Government is going to control a woman's pregnancy too? If it were so necessary why don't we make sure that no dolphins, lions, or cockroaches ever die while giving birth either? There are too many people on this planet as it is, it is not sustainable.

Anytime they make a new law and put government in charge of it, that is when it all goes to shit. Its been proven millions of times over but of course since it will "save" lives it must be good eh?

Before too long they will be making laws that will designate when you can get pregnant or maybe like China they will just sterilize the women after the first child. Forced abortions are fun too I hear(SARCASM).

We do not need to spend tax payer money on these kinds of things, If it would do any good couldn't we just outlaw life altogether? I mean too much living IS the cause of death eventually for 100% of the population anyway.


New Member
The Global MOMS Act will create a comprehensive maternal health and newborn strategy that would be implemented through the United States government's Global Health Initiative. It also would improve coordination among United States agencies that are already working to improve care for women and their children.

"The U.S. government's commitment to maternal and child health programs has made an enormous difference in saving the lives of millions of women and children globally each year. But women continue to die at an alarming rate from preventable causes. More must be done," said Dr. Helene Gayle, president and CEO of CARE. "By investing in proven strategies for reducing maternal mortality and improving the health of women and their children, the Global MOMS Act would help save many more lives. Now is the time to pass this legislation -- nearly every minute we wait, another woman dies."

So these programs ALREADY EXIST, and are working to SAVE LIVES, but you oppose expanding them to save more lives....and why?

QUOTE, kendothegreenwizard: We are beyond the population sustainable by this planet

I bet you would be whistling a different tune if you ever had your wife or other loved one dying from a preventable scenario.

Your callousness towards human life is ALARMING. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the human emotion called EMPATHY. There are many poor women out there who would die for their pregnancy if we got rid of this 'governmental intrusion'. That is not fair to women, and that is not the society I want to live in.


Well-Known Member

I just caught wind of this and am all for it. Our infant mortality rate is not stellar for as rich a nation as we are, although other factors do exist. It seems to me this bill would mitigate some of those other factors and hopefully, lower the infant mortality rate.

But, the fun part is where we tell each other why the other 'just doesn't get it', so let the debating begin! :hump:
Sorry Duke, but that article doesn't tell me nearly enough of what I would need to know to make an informed decision about whether I would support it or not. It doesn't tell me what is causing this horrible "Infant mortality" in this country and what would be done to curb it. It sounds warm and fuzzy and wonderful but that usually sends up red flags for me. I'm not paranoid, just old enough to know that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is. And before you tell me I might feel differently if it were my wife, I lost my first child in child birth and almost lost my wife and second child in childbirth soooo............I've already dealt with it. :leaf:


New Member
That's my bad, it is actually more focused on maternal mortality, but I can't imagine it wouldn't have a positive effect on decreasing infant mortality as well. If yo do want to read more about it, go ahead and google up 'Improvements in Global Maternal and Newborn Health Outcomes While Maximizing Successes Act', or more succinctly, HR 5268.


Active Member
QUOTE, kendothegreenwizard: We are beyond the population sustainable by this planet
Because I am a realist and recognize that we are beyond the sustanable population I have no empathy. Do you disagree that we are not beyond a sustainable population on this planet?
You are truly a piece of work. I have vast empathy. My statement did not imply that the mothers should be left to die. That is your ASSumption.


New Member
So, what do you propose to alleviate this overpopulation (which I agree is a major issue, or at least will be in a generation or two or three)?

About the last thing I would propose are steps towards increased maternal/infant mortality.


Well-Known Member
So, what do you propose to alleviate this overpopulation (which I agree is a major issue, or at least will be in a generation or two or three)?

About the last thing I would propose are steps towards increased maternal/infant mortality.
...............Global warfare. Perhaps not the most efficient means of reducing population but an effective one nonetheless. Maybe we could build giant spaceships and send people to colonize other planets. Of course our current technology can't even come close to acheiving the kind of speeds we would need to send spacecraft to other habitable planets but at least I'm thinking, right? (this is admittedly not the most creative plan I could come up with but I'm really baked ATM and my brain is too lazy to turn out anything better).:eyesmoke:


Active Member
So, what do you propose to alleviate this overpopulation (which I agree is a major issue, or at least will be in a generation or two or three)?

About the last thing I would propose are steps towards increased maternal/infant mortality.

Not the steralization practices performed by WHO and Eugenics minded organizations. Actual birth control such as condoms. this would also help with the spread of Aids.
Then the same for 2nd world countries.
I would then move on to educating religious fundamentalists llike Christians who have litters of children in 1st world countries, and of course Bitch slapping the octomom silly. :D
As much as I hate to say it, or even think it something drastic is going to have to be done. Even as far as only allowing one child per parent. That is drastic shit but what are we going to be able to do without some type of draconian measure?
We are destroying our ecosystem at a exponential rate in order to feed ourselves. The waste in tons from our feces alone is astounding not mention the amounts of industrial pollutants we are dumping. My wife and I have 2 children. We adopted them and so have not contributed to the population , but even if we could have had children we were only going to have 2 . One for each of us.


New Member
Well, we have come full circle and are now in complete agreement on something. You have some excellent ideas there. Especially with respect to the Octomom, that was a lol


Well-Known Member
We needn't do anything to reduce the population, the planet will eventually cease to have any resources left and we will become extinct. The mean of the earth is a barren wasteland, has been for 99% of its existence, everything reverts to the mean eventually.