Global Movement for Marijuana Legalization

The Global Movement for Marijuana Legalization is an organization that thinks the best way to legalize marijuana is through a United Nations International Treaty.

Instead of waiting for the US to get it together, we can push the marijuana legalization agenda through the United Nations, and have it legalized in one single hit around the globe. The US would have to join the band wagan, even if as usual they´re the last ones to sign.

By forcing the UN ambassador in each country to support with one vote, on behalf of their nation, we could see it legalized in record time. Marijuana is illegal worldwide because of one piece of crap document.

*If you notice article 2 of the Geneva Trafficking Convention

The 1936 Geneva Trafficking Convention

In 1936, the Convention for Suppression of The Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs (1936 Trafficking Convention) was concluded in Geneva. The U.S., led by Anslinger, had attempted to include in the treaty the criminalization of all activities – cultivation, production, manufacture and distribution – related to the use of opium, coca (and its derivatives) and cannabis for non-medical and non-scientific purposes. Many countries opposed this and the focus remained on illicit trafficking. Article 2 of the Convention called upon signatory countries to use their national criminal law systems to "severely" punish, "particularly by imprisonment or other penalties of deprivation of liberty," acts directly related to drug trafficking.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well, this is more of a reality than most people think. As the U.S. influence wanes around the world, other nations are starting to flex their political muscles. They understand the statistics from the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. The insanity of the War on Drugs is not lost on them. We tout the mantra of freedom yet have the highest percentage of incarceration in the world. Our public safety officials have been transformed into storm troopers. The increase in deaths from drug raids coincides with the implementation of more violent methods of apprehension and arrest among America's police force. We have made imprisoning citizens an industry. The United States has 4% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population. That's insane.

You know it's bad when even China thinks that's a little nuts.

Maybe the rest of the world can bring us back to sanity.