glowing door compensating stealth


Active Member
My growspace is a white standing storage closet with two swinging doors. But spaces like the small gap where the swinging doors meet and the gaps along the front edges (because of the hinges) glow like crazy from the light, obviously compensating my stealthiness. What can I do? Will hanging this curtain inside work if it's cut a few inches wider than the door? I mean it has to block ALL light so the growlights could be on in an otherwise dark bedroom.

Or maybe something I can attach to the doors so that when they close they will block the light?


Well-Known Member
You link is dead. You should go to a fabric store and ask for some "blackout" fabric. It is used in drapes to blackout light. Tell them you are building a darkroom for photography. Hang it behind the door and you will be pleased.


Active Member
alright thanks. Does this blackout fabric come in white so it's still reflective? And if so is the white stuff still just as effective at blocking light?


Well-Known Member
ya i would say go to home depot or lowes whatever is closest and there is self adhering foam that comes in rolls that you simply peel n stick.. do it around the edges and it will keep the light in better than a curtain as well as keep some of the smell in.. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
YUP!! i swear by that "self adhering foam tape" its like 5 bux at home depot for more than you'll even advice on puttin' it in: set the tape so that it's about an 1/8" overlap over the edge. the door will still close and it'll seal it for sure..the over lap is neccesary cuz you'll never get it perfectly "flush" with the door.

edit:if you check out my gallery i have my clone cab all foam taped up and light proof. i just dont know how to put pix in a thread! im dumb.
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Well-Known Member
Black out fabric has a white side and an off-white side. There is a layer of black plastic in between them that actually block the light.


Well-Known Member
Just be careful when you use fabric for blocking light, I made the same mistake, cloth in a high humidity environment like a growroom makes it an excellent medium for growing mold and fungus.

Do yourself a favor and stick weatherstripping or buy some panda liner.

That Smell

Active Member
Buy foylon, its like a tarp version of mylar. Fabric reflecting 95% of the light. Can you say problem solved. Dark room material doesnt reflect light back to the plants. Foylon will block the light leaving and relfect that $$$ back at the plants.


Well-Known Member
to each his own but i feel like if you have a big ass piece of fabric or panda or mylar foylon tinfoil blankets towels quilts whatever its just gonna be a pain in the ass and get in your way when ur tryin to get into the cab and do work!! not to mention like it was stated earlier any kind of "fabric" is going to be an oasis for nasty ass shit to grow.. just my 7 cents


Well-Known Member
I was using that weather stripping every one is mentioning, but for the part with the hinges, I found a better way. Its not pretty, but it works great.

I took some black plastic I got in the paint section at Wal Mart. I just cut a piece about 8" wide, and just as long as the cab is tall. I took the plastic, and with the door open, I stapled the plastic to the door and the inside of the cab, so its not quite tight. Then I just ran some duct tape over it to ensure no light got in or out.

When the door closes, it will bunch up the plastic and duct tape, and this keeps all the light in. The weather stripping worked, just not as well on the hindged parts. I hope you can understand how I explained it.

And I believe you mean "compromising" your stealth, not "compensating".


Well-Known Member
I almost didn't post it, but hey, I'm a dick, what can I say. I said it in a nice way though, after helping with his problem. I wish some one would compensate me for my stealth. Oh wait, the ganja gods do, with all the sticky I can smoke, lol.


Active Member
Ha! that's funny I was trying to use a fancy word to explain my situation and used the completely wrong one! oops

Anyway I put on weather stripping tape. Still a little too bright at night so I got the blackout fabric to put on in addition. Haven't hanged it yet but hopefully these two combined will work. Otherwise I'll check out those other things. Thanks.


Active Member
Well the combo of weather stripping tape and blackout fabric still has a noticeable glow in a pitch black room. But it's undetectable during the day and that will have to be good enough for me. Honestly I'm too fucking lazy to go for complete stealth anymore.

Not like there's much action at night in the bedroom anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, if you run that strip of black plastic down the side, you will not have any light coming out. I used this method for like 2yrs with no problems.