Gnat Damage?

Hey, following an ongoing war with gnats, iv got differant shit wrong with each plant. One of em has dead sections of leaf, starting at the end and seeming to effect each finger seperately (and going a dark green colour), also, to second to top leaves are drooping. The other one has dying leaves which are going brown, staring again at the leaf tip. Also, the second one is a lighter shade of green in the healthy parts than the first.

Are both gnat/ gnat laeva damage?



Well-Known Member
How bad are the gnats? I've had them pretty bad in the past, but never really saw any damage. I'm not saying they don't do damage... I assume they slowed down growth and harmed yield, but I never saw any specific damage on the plant like you're seeing. As far as I know, the adults don't hurt anything, but the larvae do chomp on young root growth.


Well-Known Member
You have two problems

Dark green leaves is a sign of over fertilization, and so are burnt leaf tips.

Flush with 10% solution till 50% runoff. Put up sticky strips and let the plants dry out more. Cut your feeding mix back by 75% and see how they do with that.

go get yellow stickies at Home depot or Wallie mart. Don't water so much let them dry out a little more and rase the humidity to 55%. A viniger bottle like in the dinners (with the chrome top off) and 1/3 full will also catch them. Same height as the pots. They love low humidity (winter time for most of us) and Damp soil.

Your other problem sounds like to much food . Too strong. Dark green is a sigh of over fertilization and burnt tips is to strong.

Flush, as above.


thanks man, iv been watering with baby bio (5 drops/L) every 3-5 days, didnt think that would be too much. cheers for the advice tho, Also, iv got a sand dressing on each, but this has only been there for a few days. Recon this acctually works?


Well-Known Member
thanks man, iv been watering with baby bio (5 drops/L) every 3-5 days, didnt think that would be too much. cheers for the advice tho, Also, iv got a sand dressing on each, but this has only been there for a few days. Recon this acctually works?
There is a sand you can buy at the garden centers and it will cut small bugs as they cross over it but you want to stop them from coming back ever again. Prevention is the best and leads to happy plants and growers.



Well-Known Member
There is a sand you can buy at the garden centers and it will cut small bugs as they cross over it but you want to stop them from coming back ever again. Prevention is the best and leads to happy plants and growers.

I believe you are referring to Diatomaceous earth. ;-)

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Gnats don't harm healthy plants, but only eat dead plant and root matter. They actually do you a favor by getting rid of the rotting parts of the plant.

Healthy organic soil will always have a few gnats.

If you have a gnat infestation, it's only a symptom of another problem that's killing off parts of your plants.

We need a little more info and perhaps a few pics to give an educated guess.

Good luck.