

ok so im about 3 1/2- 4wks into my grow, single plant, first timer just trying to get the feel of having gnats in the closet...i see they like to hide underneath of the leaves...they are black in color. What can I do to get rid of them? i dont think they are hurting anything (yet?) really just an annoyance:fire: little buggers


Well-Known Member
Easiest organic and safe way: Put about a 1-2" layer of CLEAN white play sand (can get it at the big box stores-H.D. ,Lowes, etc) on the top of the soil. Fungus gnats LIKE moist soil and lay eggs there. When the young hatch their outer skin is too soft to burrow thru the sharp silica crystals that make up the sand layer. Another way is to use DE (Diatemceous Earth) It is used in pool fliters and is also safe to use as a top layer. Simply using a vacumn cleaner hose (carefully) also gets rid of alot! Once the larva cycle is broken, the gnats will die off.


Active Member
Both the above answers are right on. you can also use mosquito bites a product for keeping mosquitos from breading in water and is safe to use.