God damn ph in my soil

soooo i have been having a few issues latly... which is weird.. caz i have never had any of these issues before... it makes me really sad....

anyways... i finally Ph'd my run off today.. it was in the red... meaning VERY LOW! i think this has something to do with why my plants bottom leafs are dying....



Well-Known Member
If your having soil PH problems a good place to start would be to flush your soil with 6.5 - 7.0 PH water. Get the acidic moisture outta the soil and start from there. I assume your using a liquid or strip ph test kit? It's tough with these tools, but try to keep your ph consistant as possible. Your ladies will thank you for it.



Well-Known Member
You could also make a 'lime milkshake'(lol) and flush them with that, if it's an emergency situation. I was pouring in 6.9 water and getting almost 5.0 runoff a few runs ago, and did the milkshake thing. I was scared that it would hurt the plants, but it didn't, not at all. The PH good for the rest of the run because the lime had stabilized the soil, and kept it around 6.3 - 6.5. I've also sprinkled pelletized lime on top of the soil before watering, which has the same effect, but is a little safer in my opinion. Now I use FF soil with a touch of lime added, and it isn't an issue anymore, but I thought I'd throw that in there as an option. The flushing with PHed water will bring your PH up, but it's likely to drop back down a half point or so after the moisture sits for a couple days(decomposing organic materials). Even if you're paranoid to hammer it with lime, I still recommend at least sprinkling a little on top of the soil. It stabilizes quickly, and won't raise your PH to an unsafe level. :)