see there, you started it out with a "your wrong and I'm right" thats part of the problem, its called a blame game and they want you to talk like this
i am not 100% correct, and you are not 100% correct
we have all been fed what to fight about and even given facts to throw at each other, but i refuse.
even though you may think I'm on the wrong side I am for american success and hoping for the failure of our president is hoping for the failure of our country. no matter how you justify.
I dont think the 2 party systme is responsible for our success, if anything we need more than a 2 party system.
i also think we can come together without our politicians, they are trying to keep us split, do you not see this? do you not see we are being fed B.S. on both sides?
I can see this and have been seeing this for over 20 years, and truthfully im pretty sick of it. they are not representing us. even the ones we voted for, even the ones you voted for. they are representing their wallets and the special interests that fill them.
I'm with you, but are you with me? do you feel where it is I'm coming from? do you not smell the bullshit we both are being fed?
this is what I mean when i say we need to come together, even if we dont agree on most things, we can agree that we need to get rid of this culture of tell us one thing and doing whatever gets them more money.
right and left has been put aside in my mind, i was once a republican, they jaded me. i was once a demacrat, they jaded me. i consider myself a left sitting independent, and a passionate patriot. i dont care what theses politicians tell me cuz they are lying. i look at reality and whats going on, i take in as many differing opinions as possilble before i make my own. i watch every news channel, i dont hate Fox News, I dont hate MSNBC. i use my own mind to make my own decisions. and i do not give space in my mind for irrational thinking placed there by the ones that want me split from you. i fight to come together because its what we need right now to fight off the bs from the politicians, and try my best not to take sides. we can do more together than fighting about what he did, or didnt do, what they said or told us to say, or what they want us to believe....i believe in america, i believe in americans.......... we as a whole can fix this, without a war!
can we put our lefts and rights aside and deal with all this in a civil manner? thats yet to be determined. but Im trying.
PS I support our president 100% and have alot of hope in his success. I belive your anti-support of Obama is misguided, therefore i have no beef with you personaly its the ones that tell you to want our president to fail at all costs. the ones that tell you to want it their way or the highway, the ones that dont know of the word compromise, or working together for a common good.
I disdain the blind followers of the extremists, both left and right.