golden syrup ????


Well-Known Member
If your grocery stores don't have it... they should be willing to do a special order for you. Just ask the manager about it next time you're in. Also, health food stores have it or can order it as well. There's also the possibility of ordering it online. 'Mom & Pop' hardware stores, flea markets and farmers markets are also a great place to find it.

If anyone in your family cooks... Buy two jars. My wife and I are fighting over the one that I got.

If you are in Europe, you won't find Molasses... They call it Treacle or Sorghum Syrup. :)

As for Golden Syrup, I'm not sure exactly what that is and from what I do understand about molasses, there's something specific about it that makes it the right choice or the only choice. You might try it on your smallest plant and see.

Oh one last thing... When and if you do find molasses, get the unsulphured kind. That one is made from from mature sugar cane and does not require sulphur dioxide as a preservative.

Hope that helps.