Good compost in Southeast Michigan


Well-Known Member
I started a pile but it's not ready. Anyone know of a good source of quality compost in S.E. Michigan?

I find a lot of people w compost but it's usually made from composted weeds or some shit. I want compost that any gardener would make w veggies, fruits, greens, leaves, and dry amendments ect.

Any ideas guys?

I've tried big box stores w no luck and the greenhouse by me isn't open yet and even then I dont remember if they do have quality compost. I think they don't if I remember correctly which is odd to me..


Well-Known Member
craigslist for grass clippings and leaves.
You'll probably get it for free.
If you REALLY want it fast, offer 3 bucks a garbage bag-full.
But getting finished compost in Michigan in march is gonna be hard man, unless it's from last summer.
But even in freezing weather if you assemble a grass and leaves compost it'll steam like a mofo in a day or so, provided you layer it correctly.
sprinkle in some kelp meal and you could use that compost to grow some monsters

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I started a pile but it's not ready. Anyone know of a good source of quality compost in S.E. Michigan?

I find a lot of people w compost but it's usually made from composted weeds or some shit. I want compost that any gardener would make w veggies, fruits, greens, leaves, and dry amendments ect.

Any ideas guys?

I've tried big box stores w no luck and the greenhouse by me isn't open yet and even then I dont remember if they do have quality compost. I think they don't if I remember correctly which is odd to me..
Hammond Farms has a few mid Michigan locations and they have fantastic compost! I use it in my garden in my soil mixes. I get bales of peat moss and big bags of perlite in bulk for pretty cheap as well! Totally worth the drive if you've got a truck or suv to haul stuff home.


Well-Known Member
I looked at hammond farms and it says the compost is made of grass clippings, leaves and brush.

My problem is most people that sell compost have this mix. I'm looking for a garden compost made of veggies, fruits, dry amendments added ect.

Anyone know of anyone selling such a blend for sale?

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I looked at hammond farms and it says the compost is made of grass clippings, leaves and brush.

My problem is most people that sell compost have this mix. I'm looking for a garden compost made of veggies, fruits, dry amendments added ect.

Anyone know of anyone selling such a blend for sale?
You mean something like this...
DSC_0704.JPG DSC_0705.JPG
They don't update their website with their full list of products. Go to the Diamondale location! I would not do you wrong sir. You will not find a better quality compost. I'm kind of kicking myself for even telling you about it. Don't buy up all their stock, save some for me! And if you can find better compost, please let me know!


Well-Known Member
I looked at hammond farms and it says the compost is made of grass clippings, leaves and brush.

My problem is most people that sell compost have this mix. I'm looking for a garden compost made of veggies, fruits, dry amendments added ect.

Anyone know of anyone selling such a blend for sale?
for something like that, you're better off looking for vermicompost, or worm castings
that's usually where the fruits and veggies go.
But honestly, i'd be ALL over that Hammond stuff, if I lived there... and didn't make my own compost


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm looking for! I use vermicompost from a company called detroit nutrient company. I just havnt seen my plants go insane since I've started using it so was looking to source quality compost that I would either run through MY worm bin or just use it and then top dress w my ewc.

How much is the price for that 40# bag??

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm looking for! I use vermicompost from a company called detroit nutrient company. I just havnt seen my plants go insane since I've started using it so was looking to source quality compost that I would either run through MY worm bin or just use it and then top dress w my ewc.

How much is the price for that 40# bag??
Under 4 bucks!

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
And the Hammond farms food compost (make sure you specify cause they do have the just grass and leave one too) works better than the wiggle worm castings that most stores carry. I use a 1:1:1 ratio of peat moss, perlite, and compost. And then I top dress with the roots organics big worm castings. But I got my worm bin set up now so I'm hoping to not have to buy another bag of castings!

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
Wait!.....under 4 bucks for a 40# bag of compost?!?!?!?!?!?!?

:shock:Did I read that correctly?!:shock:

Yeah dude. 3.8 compressed cubic feet bales of peat moss and 4 Cubic feet bags of perlite for around $20. Vermiculite too if you like that stuff. Landscape and garden supply stores are the best kept secret of knowledgeable growers! You get a fresher more local product for way cheaper. I used to buy Ancient Forest compost from general organics for $13 or so a bag for under a cubic foot. Now I get 40 pounds of high quality compost (works out to about a cubic foot or more) for around 3.50. You get a price break if you buy more than five bags I believe. I usually get ten at a time.


Well-Known Member
I mayyyy just have to come check that out. Are all the stores the same cuz I've been to Lansing obviously but don't know where dimondale is. Sounds far lol

That's amazing dude and thanks for sharing that!!

I just hope they have a ratio in that bag that is what I'm after and not just like mostly municipality waste aka weeds!

Rasta Roy

Well-Known Member
I mayyyy just have to come check that out. Are all the stores the same cuz I've been to Lansing obviously but don't know where dimondale is. Sounds far lol

That's amazing dude and thanks for sharing that!!

I just hope they have a ratio in that bag that is what I'm after and not just like mostly municipality waste aka weeds!
It says diamondale but it's more just leaving lansing. Take 96 into Lansing and get off at the Martin Luther King exit (I think it's exit 104, maybe 101?). There's a sign that says Eaton Rapids and one that says lansing. Go towards Eaton Rapids, you'll pass a Speedway and a Wendy's on the right. The next light you come to is Waverly Rd. Just after the light on your left is Hammond Farms. You'll see big piles of mulch and rocks outside you can't miss it. It's about five minutes off the highway. I'm pretty sure the food made compost is only at that location. But you could call others to check.