Good Compost Tea For Foliar Feeding?


Well-Known Member
I have been researching and asking questions around the forums about different feeding schedules and overall ways to increase plant health. I have been told many times by many different people to use a compost tea in my res, but I am using GH Flora Series nutrients and they are chemical base so I would rather use the tea in a foliar spray if possible. I have no idea if you can feed benefial bacteria through the leaves or if it would cause mold, that is why I am here asking questions so I can get answers. I have a bottle of Bush Doctor Microbe Brew and Subculture B is there anyway I can make a tea out of those 2 ingredients?
Anyone on here know of a Composted Tea that I can purchase from say a hydro store or online that is already brewed and ready to use for foliar feeding. I have read that foliar feeding beneficial bacteria helps prevent disease and even prevent certain pest from attacking the plant.
Go to organic section... I would not personally foliar feed with Copost tea as it may clog the pores in leaves slowing down photosynthesis. I would recommend using aloe Vera juice for foliar apps and leave the teas for the soil. If your not showing signs of Defs or etc I would not worry especially if your using synthetic nutes to feed your plants
Go to organic section... I would not personally foliar feed with Copost tea as it may clog the pores in leaves slowing down photosynthesis. I would recommend using aloe Vera juice for foliar apps and leave the teas for the soil. If your not showing signs of Defs or etc I would not worry especially if your using synthetic nutes to feed your plants

Thanks for the reply very useful answer and do you have any good brands of Aloe Vera juice you can recommend.
you can use I believe it's called lakewood aloe Vera juice or you can buy an aloe plant for a few dollars at lowes and take a leaf (I guess that's what's it called) cut tip and squeeze the aloe out of it or filet it open and scrape the aloe out. I do 2 tbs per qt spray bottle.
you can use I believe it's called lakewood aloe Vera juice or you can buy an aloe plant for a few dollars at lowes and take a leaf (I guess that's what's it called) cut tip and squeeze the aloe out of it or filet it open and scrape the aloe out. I do 2 tbs per qt spray bottle.

What exactly are the benefits of aloe vera on cannabis.
A “Protein Drink” for Your Plants
Raw, organic aloe vera juice is an amazing addition to your regular waterings or foliar feedings at 1⁄4 cup per gallon of water. Think of aloe vera doing for your plants what a protein shake does for an elite athlete: providing the body what it needs to grow bigger and stronger by giving it more raw material. Just like a human body will use amino acids to make proteins and proteins to make muscles, plants will use simple sugars to make starches, and starches to make their structures. Aloe vera juice is chock-full of simple sugars and starches, giving your plants the nutrition they need for serious performance. Copied from high times
I have been researching and asking questions around the forums about different feeding schedules and overall ways to increase plant health. I have been told many times by many different people to use a compost tea in my res, but I am using GH Flora Series nutrients and they are chemical base so I would rather use the tea in a foliar spray if possible. I have no idea if you can feed benefial bacteria through the leaves or if it would cause mold, that is why I am here asking questions so I can get answers. I have a bottle of Bush Doctor Microbe Brew and Subculture B is there anyway I can make a tea out of those 2 ingredients?
mt dad uses kale clam shells and potato skins in a bin for about 3-6 weeks then foilar feeds with that
A “Protein Drink” for Your Plants
Raw, organic aloe vera juice is an amazing addition to your regular waterings or foliar feedings at 1⁄4 cup per gallon of water. Think of aloe vera doing for your plants what a protein shake does for an elite athlete: providing the body what it needs to grow bigger and stronger by giving it more raw material. Just like a human body will use amino acids to make proteins and proteins to make muscles, plants will use simple sugars to make starches, and starches to make their structures. Aloe vera juice is chock-full of simple sugars and starches, giving your plants the nutrition they need for serious performance. Copied from high times

Would this brand work it says all natural organic with no additives, should I add anything else to it or just add 1/4 per gallon.,5705,2887,574,2712