Good quality water pipes


Well-Known Member
I just picked up a little 80 dollar Delta 9 from the local shop that works just as efficient as i expected 80 bucks to get me. However i'd like to get a real nice water pipe with a tree perc... I've seen ZOBs, RooRs, Medicali, and Delta 9's high end glass but never talked to anyone with experience with them, so what does everyone here use and what's your opinion of it as far as cost, efficiency, quality, and eye candy? Pictures too:]
And does anyone know how good websites to order glass online from? Searching google brings up so much bullshit...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I feel that percs in the main tube suck

They really suck to clean out and fill with water and shit.

I'd get a straight tube of some sort, and then put an 8 arm ashcatcher or something on it. That way you can just hit a straight tube if you want, and removing the ashcatcher and cleaning that is way easier than fucking with a perc in a bong.

my .02c

ive been hitting brands like roor, tsunami, hurricane, volcano, ADP, TORO, Illadelph in the last week