Good setup?

Whats good!? I have 2 one month old plants that i have replanted after a forced stretch on the stem.(raising light to make tall)
this is what im runnin....!
Miracal grow potting mix (my friends use it, it works)
A 55 watt cfl (=250iwatts) currently running 24hrs
Miracle grow pant food spikes
and the roots have plenty of room to grow
along with some NEATLY place tinoil cover cardboard walls

Is that going to get me a good yeild
much love,:leaf:

ps how much is a timer?


Active Member
bad setup : ur gunna need a hell of alot more light than tht 1 cfl =watts means nothing..u only care about the actual watts. those spike are not good for what ur trying to do..get some miracle grow patio..thts ur best store bought fert. dont use it for the first 2 weeks. and idk man thts all i got for now. 2months is along time under 1 55w..u shud be halfway threw flower by now and ur plant shud be atleast 2 feet tall...doesnt sound like much of a yield

Bayou bud

Active Member
Bad setup. I am sorry to inform you but the nutrients you are using are not going to produce much of a yield and probably a poor smoke. Miracle grow is typically for turf and those spikes will not give the needed macronutrients in the right ratios. Yes, your plants will stay alive but they will not THRIVE.

Things to fix:

-Lumen count is around 2,200 (this is very little)
-Nutrients are good for shrubs and turf, not for a fruiting/flowering plant. (Amazon has great nutrients surprisingly)
-Tinfoil holds in MUCH more heat than it reflects light. Rip down the tinfoil and put up mylar, or paint flat-white for reflection

Things to give more information on:
-light cycle
-grow box size
-watering schedule
-sativa vs indica vs bagseed

-Cheers and good luck


Well-Known Member
Whats good!? I have 2 one month old plants that i have replanted after a forced stretch on the stem.(raising light to make tall)
this is what im runnin....!
why would you force a plant to stretch? that's exactly what you don't want
Miracal grow potting mix (my friends use it, it works)
this will cause you lots of problems in the future
A 55 watt cfl (=250iwatts) currently running 24hrs
this will do you for one plant up until it's working on its third or fourth node, at which point you will probably need a lot more light. don't pay any attention to the "X=Y-watts" spew on the packaged - the reality is that X=X-watts, and the amount of light your plant receives is exactly the amount of real watts that go into the bulb, enhanced slightly by bulb efficiency (HID bulbs have further penetrating light)
Miracle grow pant food spikes
again this will probably cause you problems, but i have seen maybe 1 or 2 plants that came out looking normal in all miracle grow. but in no cases did the person report nice tasting smoke.
and the roots have plenty of room to grow
this is good
along with some NEATLY place tinoil cover cardboard walls
doesn't matter how neat it is, tinfoil reflects something around 35-45% of light shone at it, and absorbs the rest as heat. mylar, or "emergency blankets" from the dollar store, reflect 85-95% of light shone at it, and produces a much more even spread of light.

Is that going to get me a good yeild
in short, no. you'll get around 1/8-1/4 of an oz from the plant if everything goes perfectly, for the reasons outlined above
much love,:leaf:

ps how much is a timer?%
i got one for $5 once but usually a good one is a couple bucks more. it's because you need one with a third ground prong for most lighting and fan equipment
Monkey Bones, im about to add another 32 watt cfl tommarrow and i have a little 65 watt plant light that turns my shit green af, they got kinda pale after i took it off, thats 413 watts (55cfl+32cfl+65watt incandecent= a little over 400 watts) i feel like 600 would be good for 2 plants and another 55 watt cfl would bring me to 650. that is plenty!