Good sigle player ps4 games?

No hood but everything else you said, Far cry 4 is pretty good, I get stoned and turn into rambo with my bow. Fallout 4 is a great game , Lots and lots and lots to do, I have over 500 hours into it .
No hood but everything else you said, Far cry 4 is pretty good, I get stoned and turn into rambo with my bow. Fallout 4 is a great game , Lots and lots and lots to do, I have over 500 hours into it .
I ment good, damn auto correct.
yea iv also put in that many hours since the release of fallout 4 and more in the witcher 3 cant wait for mass effect andromeda to come out 20 more days.
Out of the farcry games Iv only played farcry primal haha i have $245 i can spend on more games and 120 plus tax is going to horizon zero dawn and mass effect andromeda so i have some room to get a few other older titles.
mgs5, uncharted4, rise of the tomb raider, ac4, titanfall 2 (it's a multiplayer but the campaign is really good), the last of us remastered, god of war III remastered, horizon.
Ghost recon wildlands,Tom Clancy's the divison, uncharted 4. Mass Effect Andromeda will blow your mind, only downside is there are actually choices from the Shepard trilogy that affect Andromeda gameplay, nothing major, just a couple of those big save or destroy an alien race kinda choices.:hump:
Has anybody played kingdom come deliverence? Getting some good raves from people, but the game looks really buggy. All the games that immediately come to my mind have been mentioned besides Skyrim.