Good Strains for Tardive Dyskinesia?


Active Member
Hi folks,

I'm trying to find out if anyone has any experience with, or suggestions for, a good strain for the treatment of tardive dyskinesia, a very painful tic disorder that is similar to (and often indistinguishable from) tourette's syndrom. (Tardive dyskinesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Long story short, I was treated with haloperidol, a neuroleptic, to treat the tourette like symptoms I had as a child, with the treatment beginning in 8th grade. There were horrible side effects, such as oculogyric crisii and a chronically low dopamine level in the brain caused by roughly 1mg/day of this stuff. In short, my body was not happy. I later find out that this haldol has effectively been screwing up my basal ganglia, a part of the brain in the extrapyramidal motor system involved in involuntary movement and that in the medical literature haldol is basically labled with "DO NOT GIVE THIS TO KIDS EVAR FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! IT WILL FUCK UP THEIR EPS" (extrapyramidal motor and capitalization mine)

Another thing was that the tic profile had changed, almost all the tics were now localized on the left side of my body, which implies to me that the basal ganglia in the right hemisphere of my brain is the one that took the damage, as the motor connections are contralateral. I noticed that this started around the time I was 15. A great many tourette's info sites (as well as the wiki article I believe) mention that tourette's and tourette-like symptoms can wane during teen years. Now, I of course can't say for certain whether this is what happened, but it seems to fit.

The tics are all more like harsh extensions and stretches of various muscles then anything else, the problem is that when they become too frequent or start to come in groups (ie, one tic leading to another to another) the tics can become very strong and can tear tendons and have before opened a wound in my mouth which bled for ~1 month. The tics are mainly in the left side of my neck, the inside of the left of my jaw, my left shoulder, my left arm and my left hip/leg.

I am looking for strain suggestions, either from personal experience from anyone with a similar disorder (tourettes/any dyskinesia (especially tardive)/someone with neuroleptic "experience") or from theoretical knowledge of the uses of various strains. Please don't be shy in suggesting strains!

Thank you all very much,