Good veggie to practice hydro on?


Active Member
I'm just starting to germinate all of the seeds for my vegetable garden this year. I would like to learn how to grow hydro but so far everything that i've done has been in soil. I have one dwc bucket set up. Eventually I would like to learn to grow weed hydroponically, but I was thinking I would give it a go with something else just to kinda get the feel. Sooo what should I try? Is there any veggies with similar needs nutrient or otherwise?



Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Tomatos and I know you said veggies but a good one to practice on is basil (the herb) start it from seed.


I try growing on vegetables that can last quite a while, as in the plant will not die after 1 or 2 years. This will give you the best experience IMO as you have to adjust feeding as they go through flowering and vegetative stages. Lettuce is very fast growing as well as basil, and will probably not give you very much experience when it comes to flowering. Eggplants/Peppers/Indeterminate Tomatoes are all great options for learning to grow hydro.