Good way to promote healthy roots?


Active Member
Long story short I saw the roots of one of my almost week old clones and noticed minimal root growth that I was dissapointed in. Is there a really good way to promote root growth?

On an unrelated note I may need to buy some pesticides soon, can anyone reccomend an organic pesticide???

Thanks peeps. +rep for helping me out :peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Feed with food with a higher K value, which is usually flowering formulas. Are you looking to get bigger roots in a clone?

What will your pesticides be fighting?

time out of mind

Active Member
I use a rockwool/dome set up and I've always found it hard to get my cuttings to root. I manage the moisture carefully but the cuttings seem to root too slowly. The last time around I surrounded the rockwool cubes with excellent quality super fresh soil at the third week and the cuttings thrived and developed healthy root systems. The cubes were on the bottom of the tray and the soil surrounded them. As the moisture developed I'm pretty sure the nutrients from the soil leached into the rockwool cubes. When I pulled them from the dome tray to plant them they were loosely connected by roots. About 80% survived.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses; I bought the clones from a medical dispensary and they already were somewhat rooted, they've been in soil almost a week by accident a plant in a cube fell over and i noticed root growth was tiny.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses; I bought the clones from a medical dispensary and they already were somewhat rooted, they've been in soil almost a week by accident a plant in a cube fell over and i noticed root growth was tiny.
Oh, ok. Before watering your clones, allow your soil to dry out a little. This will cause the roots to search for water. Even at the clone stage, I still feed my plants with a highly diluted nute mix, maybe a few mls per gallon of whatever formula that I see fit. Your clones will root but I'd be more concerned about building some height on these guys. If your plant is growing up, you can be assured that your plant is growing down too.


Active Member
Aw man, youre great. That is exactly what I will do. Thanks for helping me out. If you were here I'd pass you the blunt. happy 4rth


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok. Before watering your clones, allow your soil to dry out a little. This will cause the roots to search for water. Even at the clone stage, I still feed my plants with a highly diluted nute mix, maybe a few mls per gallon of whatever formula that I see fit. Your clones will root but I'd be more concerned about building some height on these guys. If your plant is growing up, you can be assured that your plant is growing down too.
haha uncle rico


there was an older member here who had great results putting an airstone in the bottom of his pots to promote more oxygen at the roots.... seemed to have great results from what I remember.... he put the airstone inside of a sponge as not to get it clogged with dirt ;)