google will pay to track your internet

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
what is the point of this? cant pretty much anyone track anyone on the internet if you know how to hack shit?
also i know alot of people us ip changers and shit like that to be "invisible" if you sign up for the google thing and use a website to change your ip address you could still be invisible and still get money every month from them. but its amazon credit. but still you can buy FF and anything else you needed.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of something like this for the entertainment industry. Basically selling your info to marketers for free or heavily subsidized videos and music (to own or stream). I bet thats the next step.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of something like this for the entertainment industry. Basically selling your info to marketers for free or heavily subsidized videos and music (to own or stream). I bet thats the next step.
Google pays everyone that monetizes on YouTube too.

@Original Poster.
So how does it work, and how much do you get?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of something like this for the entertainment industry. Basically selling your info to marketers for free or heavily subsidized videos and music (to own or stream). I bet thats the next step.
dude your avatar is kinda lackluster. Like Porno much? anyway, google is going to fuck the planet, keep your eyes and ears opened. It's not good for one centralized force to occupy our media, email, and social space.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
fuck google and their new stupid terms.

i just tried to sign into youtube after forgetting my password. my youtube user name is the same as my regular email without the stuff after "@". so i put in JUST the user name and the "wrong" password (sometimes it takes a few tries. i have a lot of passwords). do you know what the fuck happened?

apparently i used the same password as my gmail account email. the fucking thing took it upon itself to "register" that email with a youtube account! what the fucking fuck? i clicked "login" not "register" so it should have just denied access. the gmail email is one i ONLY use on my phone, i've never signed up for youtube with that email, i've never been signed into youtube on my phone, under any account, ever.

so now i have 2 youtube accounts with IDENTICAL usernames but different passwords and different emails. it seems to me that they are forcing me to put my email "out there" without my consent, which is something i probably agreed to when i wanted to get rid of that stupid "read 5 pages of our new terms" screen.

how can they force a second youtube account on me with the same username as one i'm already using? i can masquerade as my fucking self! and it doesn't display the email addy on the screen so unless i'm poisitive of the password i don't even know what fucking account i'm currently on unless i check the inbox.

i hope google goes to hell. i'm not even going to get into the credit card and 30 cents they demand from you if you forgot your email password and the answer to the "security question" that they foisted upon you when you signed up. maybe i don't have a fucking favorite movie or food. why can't i pick my own security question if you're going to charge me money if i forget it? i sat there for 15 minutes once guessing, "pizza? chinese food? fried chicken?" FUCK THEM.

fuck them sideways with a metal broom handle. i hope they get hacked off the planet and set on fire.