Alright so i started smoking in September and up until December i was smoking 2-4 grams and week with no problems at all it was a great high. In December i quit for a bit about two months then i smoke again, and yet again a good high. Another two weeks past and i match up with some buds, this is were it started to get bad. 3 of use smoke around 2.5 grams, about 2 minutes after our last joint i started to feel funny, like i was having pins and needles all over my body, then my vision went burly and everything started to shake, really fast and not just side to side but in every direction. I ask my friends if this was happening to them and they were perfectly fine. I was in bad shape at this point once i get back to my pals house my muscles started to twitch uncontrollably and the smallest tasks like taking my sweater off was extremely difficult because of the shaking. after 2 hours it died i finally got to sleep, i woke up 3 hours later to everything still shaking not as bad tho. i went back to sleep by the time i woke up i was fine. after a week i decided to try again but only a little bit this time, about .5 i smoked. and after 5 mins it started to happen again, but not as bad i could some-what control it, it was whenever i moved my eyes everything would spin, This time it only lasted about 15 minutes.
Anybody have any idea why this is happening?
Anybody have any idea why this is happening?