Got My Bong Stuck...? See pictures


Well-Known Member
Anyone know a method to get this unstuck? Beside twisting harder because I'm afraid of breaking it at this point.



Well-Known Member
i would heat up the outer tube while trying to keep the inner tube cool. this might expand it just enough.....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
dip the small end into a pot of near or boiling water see if it will loosen or maybe just stick the whole bong in the freezer ? you got me


Well-Known Member
I used the metal hoe edge to tap lightly on the ridge where the arrow points in the picture. I expected at least one piece to shatter but I was delicate and they both survived.

I tried every possible combination of heat and cold before resorting to violence though ;)

I gave you guys rep for the tips.


Well-Known Member
When i seen my bong is stuck...i was thinking some kind of kinky sex act and just had to glad i was wrong...

Brick Top

New Member
When I read the thread title I was rather scared to look at the picture. I was worried that your situation was like the joke ... How many perverts does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one ............. but it takes the entire emergency room staff to remove it.

I was relieved when I finally built up the nerve to look and found my concerns were unfounded.
The best way to unstick your bong bowl is to heat it.

The best way to clean your bong is isopropyl alcoohol and coarse salt. Fill it with the mixture, seal all the holes and shake the shit out of it until its clean.