Got some white powderlooking stuff on some of my lower fan leafs>


I got some White powder looking stuff on my lower fav leaves, Not sure what the deal is and why this happen..... I orginally thought it was from hard water but my girlz are in flower and I stoped spraying. So next I thought my flow from resevoir to the trays was maybe splashing water on the leaves (i thought this because the area in question is onlower fan leaves). Next I thought maybe Spider mites> still could be maybe at the begining stages, but there is nothing to suggest this on the underside of the leaves, Also I looked at the close ups of pictures I took.

So any Ideas>>>>>>>>:leaf:photo1.jpgphoto2.jpg


Active Member
It looks like a mold, make sure you have good air circulation around your plants, if the humidity is high stop foliar feeding or spray when the lights first come on to allow them to dry. Wash the leaves with a H2O2/water solution then spray lightly with Ed Rosenthal's "Zero Tolerance". Watch it closely as it can spread quickly. Hope that helps.