Grandmotherbird Here At Last :)

I just want to say hello and that this is my first time on a forum. It has been a year now since I first started using mmj. I have a life again. Thank God. The doctors nearly killed me. I have changed my mind and heart completely toward mmj and want to do what I can to help get it available to those who need the states where it is not mine. I am thankful and hope very much that the stigma and illegal status attached to this wonderful healing herb will one day be lifted. Also...I need some creative ideas for making edibles with something called kief. I know how to make cannabutter...but recently was given some kief. I had to google it to understand what it is. Now I am finding a hard time in the best way to use it. I can not smoke. I have Pulmonary Fibrosis. Thank you kindly.
Thank you Shayden and Smokey McP :) I did just that... late last night. oh my goodness...I will have to use much less in my hot milk next time. I melted 1 stick of salted butter with it in a pyrex glass mixing bowl on a low stove top heat. After it was all stirred together nicely...I added 1/2 cup of filtered water. I let that simmer very slowly for hours...until most of the water was gone. I then stirred in two cups of light brown sugar and a teaspoon of real vanilla extract. I let that bubble around until it was a nice honey consistancy ..and all the sugar crystals had dissolved. I allowed it to cool down to near room temperature before I added my unbleached flour, egg, dark co-co powder and non-aluminum baking powder. But...before I did all of that...I took a tablespoon of the syrup and added it to a hot mug of lactose free milk with just a little bit of left over coffee from the morning. Oh my was a heavenly tasting mug of warmth and comfort. I barely tasted the *medicine* in it. It looked like a lovely latte. I sipped on it while I put my brownies together. I baked them in a 9"x11" glass baking dish. I did lick the spoon now...I admit...even the batter tasted nice. Just a little on the spoon tho. Oh my gracious within 20 minutes I could feel it working through out my body. I became just a little bit too giddy. My dear husband and I giggled all night long. I now see why simmering it for a long time is economically wise. I never did that before. Now this was not the kief I used this last time...I had one little tiny ball of hash left to use..about the size of a fat kidney bean. I still feel the effects 12 hours later! Before I cooked it this way...the effect from the same substance made into a brownie only lasted 3-4 hours. Patience truly is a virtue. Thank you so much for that easy suggestion. I almost can't wait to try doing this exact thing with the kief. Your little mushroom picture is very cute :) Have a very nice and blessed day Shayden and Smokey :)


Well-Known Member
Well ,GMB, I identify with the Too Much. Just don't mix Keif and Honey Oil to make little Hash like chunks.

We climbed down to the river just fine and a rope was there to help people back up.
We went onto a large Boulder in the River big enough for 7 to sit easy.
Then we each smoked their own chunk.

The trip back was an adventure where carrying my car keys had me off balance so I left them there.

So warning : Objects were Higher than they appeared, now that I look back in that Mirror!



Global Moderator
Staff member
Well ,GMB, I identify with the Too Much. Just don't mix Keif and Honey Oil to make little Hash like chunks.

We climbed down to the river just fine and a rope was there to help people back up.
We went onto a large Boulder in the River big enough for 7 to sit easy.
Then we each smoked their own chunk.

The trip back was an adventure where carrying my car keys had me off balance so I left them there.

So warning : Objects were Higher than they appeared, now that I look back in that Mirror!

Did you just get home?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member

is this you and the grand kids playing in the yard little bird?


Hi Grandmotherbird.

I'm glad you are finding relief from marijuana for you PF. Very brave of you the way you obviously approach your illness on a daily basis and that to take steps to newpossibilities. You must find executing all these recipes very timeconsuming and also you need quite a bit of weed I suppose to make them? Though if one of the interests you have in using 'mjm' :) medicinally is to keep your appetite up canna butter & eating are still the best way. But have you ever thought of investing in a vaporiser? Herbal oxygyn vaporisors can even combine your mjm together with herbs or herbal tinctures. It might prove helpful to you. A vaporiser has no smoke, but a mist that on it's own might even me beneficial to your condition. If you would like me to look into the experiences with PF and different vaporisers and what would be the best kind within the Mediwiet project here let me know. Love, Sans, Holland.