So the other day I caught a possesion charge- on some shake and stems =[. Well I had my boyfriend's prized Green Bay Packers superbowl glass bowl. Although, they didn't get me for a paraphanalia charge, theyt took it away. He doesn't know that his bowl is gone. He will kill me if he finds out. I've been beating my brains out looking for this bowl. He said he found it on amazon last year. I have had no luck finding it. It was a green glass bowl with green letters going up the stem saying "packers" then underneath it "xlv" . On the outsdide it had the Green Bay symol on it. on the other side of the shot gun it had three brail like yellow dots. Does anyone know where I can find one??? If they don't make one like this anymore, is there anyplace I can get one custom made? I will go far out to get this bowl back.