green fuzz on seeds while germing???


i recently germed some great seeds of different strains. they all rooted and cracked etc. but now they are sitting in a pellot for faster growth and i peeked at them today and saw some green fuzz. not quite mold, not quite algae. but some green fuzz. can anyone help me figure this out?? they definitely arent over watered. im worried itll ruin my early pearl and chocolate chunk!!!!


Active Member
The fuzz is a form of mold. Too moist for too long. It maybe to late for them. Your medium should be moist not soaking wet. No light to the seed until it is "sprouted".

Best of luck.


damnit i knew it was something! is there any way i can try to rub off the growth as long as im careful with the root??? or should i not even bother