Green Halo Tucson

Sounds like they only hit a half pound a light on that strain and are trying to justify it that way lol.

if i was selling pot that i grew, i think i might price it like that too.

if i have a genetic that gives me an average of 2 oz per plant, and one that gives me 1 oz (not due to bad growing or problems but it's just a low yeilding strain), i could make an argument for the lower yeilding strains being more expensive. i'd leave it up to the customer. taste test it and we'll go from there. the customer is never right but if they pay the bills... :)
if its a low yielder, and it doesn't test 30%+ or doesnt have some unique quality not found in any other strains then I cannot find a reason why any grower, let alone a dispensary, would choose to grow that strain.

90 per 1/8 is a 720 oz... i would venture to say there are maybe a handful of phenos in the entire world that are worth that much lol... and thats a stretch.
Unfortunately, that is going to be the issue with the AMMA and how it is designed. Limited number of dispensaries, will control the supply of legal meds, driving the cost skyward.

Whether this is done by design to increase margins or simply a function of not being able to meet the demand from a logistic standpoint. Whatever the reason, the loser is the patient who wants to obtain his/her meds legally, withought being subjected to the criminal underground which has dominated this market since 1937.
let's be honest here you REALLY think they designed this to work to the benefit of the patient?
they want it to fail, so they can go back to totally illegal.
I don't get your yield per light...they should be growing outside! We have conditions that would allow for almost any and some of the longer varieties. If citrus grow in your area...:peace:
let's be honest here you REALLY think they designed this to work to the benefit of the patient?
they want it to fail, so they can go back to totally illegal.
I don't get your yield per light...they should be growing outside! We have conditions that would allow for almost any and some of the longer varieties. If citrus grow in your area...:peace:

Just wait.....
Money makes the world go around and greed follows closely behind. Once they see they have a cash cow on their hands we are going to see more permits issued, more dispensaries opening and price will drop a litttle. Nowhere near Colorado prices, but its will come down. I dont care how far right anti pot they are, when the money starts coming in you will see them change their stances
they read that story..."The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg", yes They are happy to kill the goose and take what they can get. And then roast the goose and eat it.

they DO NOT WANT MMJ or MJ, period. In spite of 3 passed initiatives.

the price I have heard at these places...You better be able to just look at the meds to get the effect. $28/gm...That is as crazy as anyone that would pay it.
...and I'm not arguing. Just calling it the way I see it.
Legal should mean safer/cheaper...not 3-4X street prices.