Green House White Rhino. CFL grow

I went to cali. to visit my GF's family and my GF's brother is growing this. the 3 biggest are 7 weeks and 3 days into flowering, and will probably be harvest at 10 weeks. how much bigger do you think the buds will swell and what do you think the 3 plants will yield?? I know you can't know for sure, but give it a guess.



Well-Known Member
i've grown that strain this outdoor year and its super dense and stinky.

This strain is not a 10 wk strain though. At the very most i would say 9 weeks but i think that you should pull it at 8 weeks personaly.

Its for sure not a 10 wk strain its a pure indica.


Active Member
i'm not sure cause i don't usually harvest all at once. except when i'm using it to make butter then i take it all. i was curious as to what kind of lighting are you using?
it's CFL, 10 flowering spiral bulbs up top. 2 veg bulbs up top and a tube on each side for veg to. both light spectrums are mixed cool and warm. the bulbs are 26 watt each 100 equivalent
i really think the plants need to go till at least nine weeks cause one still has all white hairs and the other two just started getting amber hairs and there trichs are still clear