Green O Matic and Lowryder 2 Grow Journal With Pics


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Hi everyone! I need to start off by saying a massive thanks to everyone on this website for all the information you have given me. I have learned so much over the last couple of years, and I am finally ready to put it all into practice.

This is my first grow so please don’t be too critical, but I would be very grateful for any tips or advice that you more experienced growers can give me.

My Setup

I Built my grow box mainly from parts that I sourced from my local hardware store, the total cost was around GBP 30. The lights/mylar/air pots and planting medium came from a local hydroponics shop.

The space is 3’ by2’ by 16” (H W D)

The lights: 125 watt CFL 6400k plus 3 30watt 6400k (450watt equivalent) for vegging.

125 watt 2700k CFL plus 3 30watt 2700k (450watt equivalent) for flowering.

I may possibly introduce a 250 Watt HPS (dual spec) depending on the level of growth.

The medium: Biobizz light mix

Nutrients: Planning on using biobizz nutrients throughout the process (plus some formulex and rhizotonic) I may also use some bud candy (by advanced nutrients) but this will depend on my financial situation at the time.

I purchased my seeds from attitude seed bank (5 green-o-matic, 3 lowryder 2 and they threw in a couple of free seeds, which I will plant in my next grow) and major props to them by the way it took 3 working days for my shipment to arrive and all the seeds were female no males/no hermies. I would defiantly recommend them to any grower.DSCF0672.JPGDSCF0673.JPGDSCF0674.JPGDSCF0675.JPGDSCF0676.JPGDSCF0677.JPGDSCF0678.JPGDSCF0679.JPGDSCF0680.JPGDSCF0681.JPGDSCF0682.JPGDSCF0683.JPGDSCF0684.JPGDSCF0685.JPGDSCF0686.JPGDSCF0687.JPGDSCF0688.JPGDSCF0689.JPGDSCF0690.JPG


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I dropped 3 low ryder 2 seeds and 5 green o matic seeds into two separate cups of plain tap water (I’m too much of a maverick to be using distilled water). The seeds all sank within 12 hours. I then placed the seeds into 10 sheets of damp kitchen roll.

By the way I will use normal tap water for the entirety of my grow, as by the time I have added my nutes the Ph is between 5.8 and 6.2 so there is no need to buy distilled or reverse osmosis water for me.

And hey presto, all the seeds germinated, but I only have three 3 liter air pots so I’m just going to plant them all and pick out the weak girls at around week one, depending on the growth.

It’s day 2 and the ladies are looking pretty good, 7 of the 8 that I planted have now popped out of the ground and are all roughly an inch tall and have shown their first leaves!!

At this point I have to say that I am loving the growing process. I can’t help but look at my babies whenever I get the chance. I now know what it means to be a proud father.


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Day 3

Not really much to report, the plants are still looking healthy. There hasn’t been much in the way of growth, however from what I have read this seems fairly normal for this stage of the process. Fingers crossed for some progress over the next few days.DSCF0691.JPG DSCF0692.JPGDSCF0693.JPGDSCF0694.JPGDSCF0695.JPGDSCF0696.JPGDSCF0697.JPGDSCF0698.JPGDSCF0699.JPGDSCF0700.JPG


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Day 4

The second sets of leaves have started to show themselves, I’m still just using normal tap water (I leave the tap water out for roughly 24 hours for any chlorine, that may be present, to evaporate).

I’m planning on starting nutrients at the end of week two/start of week three. I will be using quarter doses of formulex and quarter doses of rhizotonic. Thereafter I will begin to use the biobizz nutrients.


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Day 5

Just gave the ladies a little water as the soil was dry a couple of inches down. The growth is pretty slow, but I’m hoping the pace will pick up in the next couple of days.

The ladies were definitely thirsty! They have made a significant Improvement in regards to growth within the last few hours. I think because I am using air pots I should maybe water everyday. In addition to this, the humidity in my grow room is fairly low (dry) currently averaging between 35-40 percent. Anyway I am going to adjust the water cycle slightly as an experiment and will report back with any details.


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Day 6

Plants are still looking good the leaves are getting bigger.

Realized that I have had my thermometer in the wrong place, I was reading the temperature from the bottom of my grow room (21 degrees C) however at the top it was a massive 31 degrees C. I have added an industrial fan to reduce the temperature so we shall see if this works.

The fan has worked a treat, I have got the temperature down to 25.5 degrees at the top of the grow room, so disaster averted. DSCF0701.JPGDSCF0702.JPGDSCF0703.JPGDSCF0704.JPGDSCF0705.JPGDSCF0706.jpgDSCF0707.JPGDSCF0708.JPGDSCF0709.JPG


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Day 7

The ladies are doing well, the seventh and eighth leaves are coming out and looks like everything is going well. I think I’m going to start to add some quarter strength formulex at the end of the week.

Shit!!!! Just added an extra 30-watt (150 watt equivalent bulb) to increase the growth. The problem is that the temperature is going crazy (peaked at 33 today). I think I’m going to have to invest in another fan. My electricity company will be happy.


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Day 8

They plants are really picking up pace now, there is already a slight skunky aroma coming off the largest of the plants.

I really regret planting 2 plants per pot though. All the plants look healthy and I just can’t bring myself to kill half of them.DSCF0716.JPGDSCF0717.JPGDSCF0718.JPGDSCF0719.JPGDSCF0720.JPGDSCF0721.JPGDSCF0722.JPGDSCF0723.JPGDSCF0724.JPGDSCF0725.JPGDSCF0726.JPGDSCF0727.JPGDSCF0728.JPGDSCF0729.JPGDSCF0730.JPGDSCF0731.JPGDSCF0732.JPG


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Day 16

Transplanted into larger 6 liter pots

Day 17

Started to introduce biobizz nutes

Day 18

First signs of sex, looks like I’ve got 5 females


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Hahahaha, the last post I put up was exactly 4.20 Mb!!!! Oh the irony. Anyway if thats not a sign to toke up I dont know what is :bigjoint:



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Day 24

Plants are looking really good, I have increased my nutes to 3ml per litre (biobizz algamix, biobizz grow and biobizz bloom). I have multiple budding sites now and theplants are really starting to branch out. I think I will have to start some lst this week.DSCF0815.JPGDSCF0816.JPGDSCF0817.JPGDSCF0818.JPGDSCF0819.JPGDSCF0820.JPGDSCF0821.JPGDSCF0822.JPGDSCF0823.JPGDSCF0824.JPGDSCF0825.JPGDSCF0826.JPGDSCF0827.JPGDSCF0828.JPGDSCF0829.JPGDSCF0830.JPGDSCF0831.JPGDSCF0832.JPGDSCF0833.JPGDSCF0834.JPGDSCF0835.JPGDSCF0836.JPGDSCF0837.JPGDSCF0838.JPG


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Day 33

Alright it’s been a while since my last post so this will be a long one to make up for it.

The ladies are doing well. A mate and me named the strongest looking ones Stella and Sheila (I was drinking a can of Stella at the time and had the bitches outside enjoying the one day of sunshine that we get up in Aberdeen annually.

The lower fan leaves on all the plants have yellowed and in some cases died. Im pretty sure this is because they have come into direct contact with the nutrients in my water and have just been burned to fuck, but the rest of the leaves seem healthy.

There are loads of budding sites, but the actual development of the buds seems to have slowed down a bit, so I’m off to the hydro store today to pick up some bud candy, by advanced nutrients, to help things along.

The first amber hairs have started to appear on the more advanced plants.

Also it looks like one of the green o matic’s is a different phenotype to the others as it has bushed out like a vintage porn star’s minge.

The bushy plant is about a week behind the other girls, but I think she will probably end up yielding the most. I had to transplant her into an 18-liter pot last week due to the fact she is a fat bitch, I’m contemplating naming her Fern after Fern Britain, the fat lady that used to present This Morning on ITV.

Also I’m thinking about upgrading to a 400 watt dual spec HPS, figure it will be worth it in the long run.

Anyway that’s it for now, I’ll update again in a few days.

Alright they are still looking good, however the upper leaves of two of the plants seem to be sticking upwards and are slightly curled inwards, I initially thought this was due to some heavy handedness on the nute solution, so I cut back on the nutes (half the recommended dosage). However the leaves are still pointing upwards so I’m now thinking that maybe the plants are to close to the lamp. Anyway I’ll just try changing one variable at a time until I find out what is causing the problem. Hopefully it isn’t anything too serious.


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73 99

Alright everyone, the next few post are just pics as there isn't really any new to post, sorry! I'll come back with some updates in the next week or so.


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Had a mate over for the weekend (and I use the word mate lightly). Anyway we were having a bit of a booze sesh and he is strictly a booze man, no drugs for this fuck head. According to him weed is in the same category as crack, meth and heroin ect. Anyway long story short he decided to pour a full can of stella all over my ladies.

Yes he is a cunt!!!

Anyway I am doing a flush with reverse osmosis water to try and combat the actions of this dick head. Hopefully there won't be any lasting damage.

As a side note, the next day I made sure that I used my bud butter in all of his meals (this bud butter is mental strong by the way, as in one slice of toast with my special butter on it will have a daily smoker stuck to the sofa, and contemplating how insignificant we are in a universal sense) anyway by lunch time his views on weed had changed slightly haha