GreenTree's grow journal

Hi all. After 3 years of working the same job and being in pain almost every day and having problems sleeping I have decided its time to stop taking pain medication and sleeping medications that my doctor as prescribed me and start to grow my own natural medication that I won't end up having health problems years after from taking pain killers and sleeping medication. I have done alot or research and I can only use CFLs to grow with because the area that I live in doesn't have enough power coming into the place to run any thing more then around 200 watts of power that I can use for my grow. The landlord is a cheep p**** because he doesn't want to upgrade the fuse boxes we have here and rewiring the house or installing new barker boxes won't fix the problem.

I don't have alot of money so I can't just shell out alot of $ for my grow in one shot so please don't turn around and say get more light and such because I know I need more lights then what I will be able to run at this moment. Also due to the lack of $ I'm not able to buy any thing that I can build a grow box with at this time so I have to use what I have around the house to get started. I will be upgrading things as I go and I will be posting pics of what it looks like and what I have done for thoes of you who want to know how they can do some thing with little money at the start.