Greetings to stoners everywhere!!


Hi everyone, i'm new here and to the world of growing, but not to the world of toking! I decided to give the growing a bash as Marijuana is THE most amazing thing in the history of everything. I thought it would be a good idea to join up with fellow stoners as i'm not overly clued up about growing, and i think it would be a crime to grow without knowing what i'm doing.
I'm currently having a pop at Bubba Kush using soil, and they are under a 600w HPS, any help would be appreciated!!! I hope to learn from everyone and to make a few buds :)

Right then, forgive me for my swift exit, i have a date with the purple widow :weed:



Active Member

just water them, youve done all you can for now. I use the same set up and use soil and im happy with my results.

you can go for a hydro system if you wanted


Thanks Brock, i did consider a hydro system at the start, but opted for soil as it was cheaper and my overall knowledge about hydro is very limited. Maybe once i'm confident i can grow a good crop, i may switch to hydro. We shall see!! Could you tell me at how many days you start feeding them and how often, do these plants stay short, what kind of yields can i expect (providing i don't make a mess of them)? Any info is greatly appreciated.

The nutes i have are as follows:

Biobizz - Alg-a-mic Vitality booster (NPK 0.1 - 0.1 - 0.1)
Biobizz - Bio-Grow Liquid plant food (NPK 8.0 - 2.0 - 6.0)
Biobizz - Bio-Bloom Liquid plant food (NPK 2.0 - 6.0 - 3.5)
Botanicare - Power Flower plant food (NPK 2.0 - 2.0 - 5.0)
Vintage Bat Guano - (NPK 3.0 - 10.0 - 2.0)
