

New Member

I am a new member from Vancouver BC, glad to be here for learning. I am a current medical user and longtime non-medical user and have made the decision to grow via my medical license (which increases your limit by quite a bit).

I am seeking information to build an indoor setup that has the capacity to be twinned (e.g. phase 1 = 10 plants, phase 2 = 20 plants). I would like this setup to be as automated as possible, as i do not wish for growing to become a large time effort. I am a proponent of batch activities, and the more I can combine activities together to save time the better.

My eventual goal is to make my own concentrates.

Thank you!
Welcome to RIU!!!!
Take your time, search, read, and read some more.
Automation really depends on how you want to grow, Hydro, coco, peat, all have their advantages and disadvantages, but no matter what, growing takes work. I have my lights setup on controllers, AC infinity fan with controller, and Blumat Tropfs setup to a reservoir for watering. Since I grow in Pro-mix, that about as "automated" as I get, but still takes time and effort to complete a run. Don't get discouraged like I've seen so many people do. They spend a ton of money, and think that it's plug and play, and weed will grow unattended until harvest. Search FB marketplace and Craig's list in your area as deals can be had because people thought it was "plant a seed, harvest weed" and didn't realize it takes work.
Good luck, and welcome to the community.
Thanks for the welcome, are there any stickies that you think would be worth reading?

I am nothing if not persistent, and understand that this will be a large capital investment and continuing time investment. I plan on integrating fruit/vegetable plants into the hydroponic setup (this is what I'm leaning towards) that I will have with my medical plants. At least then my time tending to my plants has an added benefit of producing edible food.

I will look up the manufacturers you listed in your post, but is there a website that ranks grow equipment (lights, grow tents, fans, humidity controllers, etc)?
Thanks for the welcome, are there any stickies that you think would be worth reading?

I am nothing if not persistent, and understand that this will be a large capital investment and continuing time investment. I plan on integrating fruit/vegetable plants into the hydroponic setup (this is what I'm leaning towards) that I will have with my medical plants. At least then my time tending to my plants has an added benefit of producing edible food.

I will look up the manufacturers you listed in your post, but is there a website that ranks grow equipment (lights, grow tents, fans, humidity controllers, etc)?
I don't know of any website that "ranks" equipment. YouTube is full of the "best" reviews, but one might say a light is #7, another #3, another #1.
Stickys, I've read quite a few of them, some have really good info.
And since your going hydro, Blumats wouldn't be for you, but an AC Infinity fan and controller are the best IMO for any setup. Just make sure it comes with the Controller 69, as it's the most feature rich, and logs everything to your phone via Bluetooth. With the logging, you can adjust your environment much easier.