Grow 1.5/2?


Active Member
So this will be the beginning of what I guess would be my second grow but 3/5 plants are going to be clones I just took from my flowering samsara el alquimista (or the alchemist as my girlfriend calls it).
This is her as of today. She is about 3ft tall and the main cola is nothing but trichomes and its beautiful.
As for the clones I have them in a 55 site agromax seed starter.
Along with those 3 clones I have a Blue Pyramid Auto and a Pakistan Ryder Auto.
The agromax is in a cooler with a heated pad under it. Here's the set up.
And a picture of the clones and seeds.

My only things left to decide is a light schedule that works for all 3 plant types.
The mother of the clones ran 24/7 but I've heard autos need a dark period but I have also seen people say they dont.
Thanks for taking a look. bongsmilie


Active Member
Like 18 inches. It shot up about 1 1/2 feet when flowering started and I had chopped all the bottom leaves off so there were issues, I'm just looking to smoke this stuff before the clones actually grow correctly.