Grow#4 Hydro DWC Blue Misty & White Strain Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Hi all haven't been here for a while been busy with work & stuff
I have started grow#4 now & have the following set-up:
(both buckets use air pump & airstone with rockwool & clay pebbles)

2 x 10L DWC with 2 x Blue Misty From Gypsy Nirvana (1 x Girl Flowering 1 x Unsure Vegging)

1 x 5L DWC with 1 x Bagseed (from very strong bagseed, almost certainly white strain - was very white & full of crystals)

Grown in Bud-Box with 1 x Clip fan

Both just starte 12/12 yesterday using GHE nutes E.C is 0.8- 1.2 at the mo
will rise it slightly in next week when I do the water change.

I will be putting unknown 5L Plant into 10L soon as soon as I can get down the hydro store & get another one.

I'm just waiting on this one no real sign of sex yet, gotta feeling is a male :(

The Two Girls (Bagseed on Left Blue Misty on Right) Flowering Day 1