Grow Analysis


Well-Known Member
OK, I am done with my first grow. It's dried, cured and put to bed. My end product was far better than I had expected, and far better than the weed it came from. It's a great feeling when your friends can only say "WOW!" or "HOLY FUCK!!" It's pretty, smells good, and smokes real smoothe, and will flat get you REALLY high!!!!

So I figure I got lucky, the cannabis gods were smiling on this plebe grow. Now I have to figure how to get better.
All in all, I'm very satisfied with my dope. It's just the high I was looking for, and I ended up with just shy of a QP dry weight from one plant. Thats very generous, considering all my mistakes.
I harvested when the trichs were mostly 50/50 clear/milky, with some amber scattered in there. I will PROBABLY give this next grow a bit more time, but I DO like the type of high we are getting, as opposed to the couchglue I have been getting. My friends all commented on that, too. Nicer high.
I forced them into flower at right around 6 weeks. Good? Bad? Should I let them mature fully prior to flowering?
I know I burnt the shit out of (and outright killed) 4 of my 6 by overdoing the MG nutes. Lesson learned there. I now have a grasp on ferts.
I had too much water retention with my soil mix, and used containers that were tall and narrow. Another lesson learned. Top of the soil felt really dry while the bottom half was still real wet.
The buds were really light and fluffy (to me at least). I had 400w MH for vegging, and 400w HPS for flower. For over half the flowering period, I had 2 400w HPS on one plant, bulb around 14 to 16 in from the tops. According to all I've been told, that should have given me nice dense buds. Am I expecting too much? Are they just naturally lighter and fluffier than those in a sack from my connection?
The new round is about 2 weeks old now, and I am getting ready to transplant them into thier permanent homes. So any and all suggestions of how to improve my grows will be much appreciated. This next grow will be well documented in a journal. My last grow was an experimental learning process, and acheived it's goal. Now we're gonna rock and roll with 20 babies grown to maturity. I now know what to expect, when to expect it, and somewhat how to correct problems. My room is fine tuned and tweaked to my satisfaction.

Thanx for all the help guys and gals. This site ROCKS!!!


Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
Qtr pound for one plant on your first grow is very good. + Rep to you. On the density of buds...what were your temps? Higher temps will cause buds to not be rock hard. Bud density is very strain dependant also. I gro some AK47 that has rock hard buds along side some White Widow and the WW buds are not rock hard. Same conditions...same nutes...same lighting...same enviroment. It is obviously strain dependant. The Afghan Kush I grow in the same enviroment, is about as dense as the WW. Nothing I grow is as hard as the AK47. I swear, I could break a window if I threw a AK47 nug at it! :clap:

I don't sell my weed but if I did, the AK47 would be the better seller due to bag appeal. The WW is a better smoke (at least my friends like it better) but the buds are not as dense.

Sounds like you are well on your way to an even better second grow. I like to see growers try to better their rigs and grow knowledge. Good job!