Grow and Show


Active Member
Alright, well i was cleaning out the garage the other day and found a few flood light type lights called Plant Lights Gro and Sho. They're 150w lights 120v.

Has anyone ever seen these and would they be good as an added light for the lower branches. I have lights already and shes doing fine just curious how these would perform


Active Member
These things get extremely,extremely hot. I have a 120w G-N-S so I thought I would add to my current cfl grow. Reaching in to the closet turn a few lights and got burnt instantly by that damn thing. I instantly took that damn light out.. I would just go with more CFL's. They are better then those Grow-N-Show and when you accidentally touch a CFL it won't scar you for life.

But if thats all you got and want to get more growth down there. I can understand. But beware they are hot. Do your self a favor and get some more CFL'S as soon as you can.


Active Member
Yeah i noticed the heat on them when hooked them up to see if they still worked. Yet thanks for the advice. I think ill keep them out and just invest in more CFL's like you said.