Grow baby grow for the 1st time under 250w


Active Member
:bigjoint: Hello people, I am focusing on 3 plants under 250w hps. I was told these were feminized and are Bubblicious, AK 48 and Super Skunk, there are also a couple of freebies in there as back up. Lights have just been put on and a small fan is running, temps are 31-33 Degrees C. Nutes are root booster, earth grow and earth bloom. This is a first time grow and I smoke ganja all the time but have never grown it so please be gentle. :-P


All advice and constructive comment are most welcome :idea:


Active Member
aug5.jpgaug 4.jpg Here are some more pics about 10 days later under 2 cfl lights, the larger pots are of 2 seeds of unknown weed.

aug1.jpgaug 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would raise the smaller plants with books or something to get them closer to the light. If you don't they will stretch and become long and lanky.


Well-Known Member
I have a different light, much more powerful, check out the stickied post in General Marijuana Growing called Things to know about lighting.


Active Member
aug 8.jpgaug9.jpg

Week 3:

1st day under 250w HPS, around 20 days old. Today the real lights kicked in and despite have a fan running the temps are getting very high (32-34C), need to keep cupboard open until cooltube arrives. I am also looking into a carbon filter kit from ebay for £50 and im considering a home made CO2 solution with yeast, sugar and 1.5l plastic bottle. PEACE


Active Member
Hi there, the light is about 50-60 cm away from the light. Thanks for the advice Canadian Dank


Well-Known Member
Lookin good buddy, once that cool tube gets there things will be good man. You'll be able to have your light just a few inches above, and your plants will love it!


Active Member
Image007.jpg And here are the last 2 photos from today, Im not sure what has happened because they were fine yesterday?



Well-Known Member
Seems stretched and weak. Would lower the temps, put the light closer, get a fan and have it blowing on them to promote stronger stems. They are streeeeetching.


Well-Known Member
put these photos up in the infirmary...people will tell you what to me looks like they need water....but don't listen to me, i am no expert at all