Grow Big during Flowering?


I currently have a DWC setup, and I have a question about my nutrient schedule. I'm using the fox farm trio, and according to the chart it wants me to use grow big (instead of tiger bloom) during weeks 3 and 4 of flowering.

Is it necessary to add grow big during weeks 3 and 4 of flowering? Won't it make the plant shoot up in height? I assumed tiger bloom would be used throughout flower. I haven't come across a conclusive answer searching the forums.


Well-Known Member
Follow the Fox Farm chart. If you don't, you are going to prematurely lose your leaves due to deficiencies. The reason is, the plant uses up nitrogen and most bloom formulas have little of it. If you don't use it in week 3-4, you'll see a lot of yellowing and then leaf loss, due to a lack of N. Your PH will be harder to maintain as well without it. Some people will tell you leaf loss and yellowing is natural, when in fact it has been proven that is not the case. My leaves remain mostly vibrant and green up until harvest.

You can always wait to see if leaves start to yellow. When they do, stop using Tiger Bloom for a week and use Grow Big, or just follow the chart.


Active Member
I use the grow big during week 3 only. this helps with the stretch... for me anyway. I still mix it with the tiger bloom & big bloom. Don't forget the cal-mag between the feedings.