Grow box [pantry] layout help


ok so ive decided im goin to grow some some of that "Marry Jane". in a 24"L x 47"W x 70"H pantry and i need some help on were to put lighting, fans, vents, etc. [if other things are needed please tell me] im completly a newbie at this bcuz this is my first grow and n e sort of help would be of use thx u n plz leave comments.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmm well first how are you going to set it up you have no ideas ?? veg room ?? flower room ???

do you have your mjcard ? do you have seeds or clones ?

Do you have power in there??

Intake - On bottom of door .. can you get air from outside?

Outtake - At the top of the you have a attic??

Lights - i would hang from chains so you can raise and lower them, cool tubes are going to be needed to keep down heat... just got with a 400 hps or 600 no need for bigger ....veg room i would go with a nice florecent so you dont have to worry about heat

Fans - Pc fans work good but get dirty i heard panty hoes keep the dust down you are going to need a big fan(canfan) for the cooltube outake and a outake for the cab

Do you know how you are going to grow hydro soil coco ??? and in what ebbaflow? dwc? aero?

You are going to have to do more reading man, check out the growroom area lots of ideas...... My boy jigfresh has a closet setup half your size check out his thread, check out my thread hahaha there are lots of ideas out there

Take some rips and chill on here all night...... ONE THING I CAN TELL YOU IF YOU RUSH your build you will not be happy so if you dont have any plants or seeds started good really good dont rush read take your time then build......... have fun growing man i will be checking back in keep us updated and any more questions just ask but do some looking first


yea make sense i havent really got seeds,lighting,or chains yet to hang them, so i can take my time and bulid this and not rush it lol so i took ur advice and drew up and idea of what i think u meen u want me to do to the box so tell me if this is rite or wrong for a proper grow box[pick below] by the way i wuz thinkin of growin sum AK-47, B.C. purple kush(if i can get it) and blueberry


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
soil grow ?? if so are you going to water in there (if so put plastic down for over drain)

thats a good way to go you might have to add another fan outake for just the light depending on what size light you go with

You would need another fan in there that moves left to right so the plants stems will get strong

hmmm i am getting ready to head out man ill check back with you later maybe other will find the thread to

did you check out jigfresh grow