Grow cab temp and humidity


Well-Known Member
temps 75-85f ,,,,, humidity 50-60% (veg) and 40-50% (flower) in the later stage of flower try n keep it as low as possible.. this will help prevent bud rott if your nuggests are big n compact..
hope this helps m8...
85 is a wee bit too high imo. Anything over 82 in my house is upwards of too much.

I strive for temps between 75-80. The prime Cannabis temp is 78. I like to give myself a little leeway.

If your temps are on tap, your RH should be ok. Also, ambient temp plays a huge role.


Well-Known Member
i agree slightly with pHrank , 85f is still ok tho m8 and even a peak of 90f+ can still be ok if its only for a few hours during the warmest part of the day.. most growers like to achieve slightly lower temps because you can achieve higher yields ,,,,,, 75f for optimum photosynthasis tho , not 78f.....