Grow Cab


Active Member
hey all you intelligent stoners out there, i Started this project recently, let me know what you think. Any pointers would be great!

The box on the outside, i put black duct tape strips to hold it tightly closed. only temporary

inside shot, i bought some aluminum tape and covered the walls, and for right now im using power strips taped to the wall, and 4- 65w compact fluros = to 100w a piece

heres my messy power strip cluster, ghetto taped to the wall, as soon as i figure out how i want to mount these, ill clean it up

3.5 inch computer fan for the intake.

another intake on the back of the box, in the middle

pic of the exhaust fan on the top right corner, still have no filter or scrubber, still deciding wether or not im going to cut a hole out the wall to the roof and run it out of the house. or some sort of DIY carbon, and the weird grey probe looking thing is my temp and humidity gauge.

another view, the other pot that has nothing growing is a legal plant, some flower i picked up at a nursery, that i thought looked cool

heres a view of my sad sick little plant, im told this is from my nutrients in the soil, i used some miracle grow potting soil full of nutrients,the leaves turned white-yellowish, and curled up and the reason i planted two plants in one bowl, is that i figured with my luck one or none would be female.

top view

here is were i cut a hole and have cords running in,

and finally, my favorite part, my power supply from a big ass server, i scored at a computer shop, (as with my fans), hidden snugly in the corner

so thats it. the box is in a closet and it doesn't have very good air flow. my temp ranges from about 85-90F
so tell me what ya think, any advice or ideas would be pretty helpful.


Active Member
looks good bro. how do you get power to your computer fans? Instead of having a plug, i see you have a red and black wire.... where do you hook it up and how? Thanks!


Active Member
looks pretty good broo. u might want to seal it up a bit better so no light gets in or escapes. u may get some hot spots with the aluminium walls but it may not be an issue either way. all in all pretty good job mate.
i think a second hand bar fridge would be awesome for a small grow.


Well-Known Member
It looks as if he wired the fans to a PC power supply, then plugged in the power supply to a recepticle, this will operate the fans and anything else that will run off of a molex connector.......Great idea man!!!!