grow cabinet


Active Member
I have a small apartment to work with. A common room that has frequent visitors won't work so I have a cramped bedroom to work with. My vision is a good sized grow cabinet that will contain atleast some of the smell. I really wouldn't want my neighbors to smell through a semi thin wall. So I'm thinking about a 4 foot tall metal cabinet.

- I am wondering if I could keep it well ventilated with it mostly closed.
- I also am thinking of where to find a cabinet that would work.
- I see all of these expensive premades for like 1,800$$ I'm thinking I could do this withatleast 300-400$

Anyone have any thoughts on this!?!?

If there is anything like this in agrow journal already done could someone also link this! If there isn't I'd love to document a high detailed journal for others in my situation. Thanks


Well-Known Member
id grow about ten or so seeds, pick a mom or two, clone, and then do a scrog. id start with soil though it seems cheaper in my eyes cause then you have more money to get good lights. a scrog would be good too with being limited on height.