What are the outdoor temps?
Board up the window and use a jigsaw to cut a small hole in the board for the unline fan. Cut another hole in the same board, leave the screen in the window with the window open...this is assuming u have one of those inline fans that moves several hundred cfm, not a "booster fan" that is used in furnace ductwork.
Mount the fan in one of the holes so that it is PUSHING air out the window. Next connect ductwork to the fan and connect the other end of the ductwork to the TOP of the tent, the tent should have several areas for such connections from the manufacturer.
Connect the fan to a thermostat activated switch and put the probe inside the tent. Set it for say 75 degrees. U can also put a speed controller on the fan so the room doesn't get cooled down too quickly when the fan kicks on.
Now if u do it right, once the tent gets to your desired temp, the fan will kick on and pull hot air from the tent to the outdoors and cool air will enter your room through the 2nd hole u made in the window. That air will then passively find it's way into the tent. U can also run ductwork directly from the 2nd hole into the BOTTOM of the tent.
I reccomend putting a furnace filter over the 2nd hole to filter the incoming fresh air.