Grow Room insulation What R value? R13? Help required.


Hi everyone after building my stud room 4m x 5m x 2.4m high.

I need to insulate the walls & ceiling to stop FLIR etc but unsure of the material to use the R Value.

I am led to believe that the higher the R value the more effective it is but also the price increases...

Being on a budget i don't know what insulation to use to be more than effective to prevent FLIR and heat signature...

The room i have built is basically a room inside a room without the room walls touching the other walls to stop them heating up etc..

I know you will say what about extraction i have a 4250m3/hr acoustic fan 12" i am going to vent outside the room into an ice box to instantly cool that air.

Can anyone shed any information on the insulation they would get.


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I would go drywall and fibre glass specified for the studs you are using. Put the vapor barrier(plastic) on the grow-op side of the wall as it will be most likely be warmer or at the same temp as the ajacent room. I would floor glue all the joints to prevent air drafts and have specific in and out venting.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
For a quik fix I've resorted to just hanging old carpet to partition walls in the grow-op. But if you got no money...


Don't know where u are based but in uk we use this

The thinnest cheapest one is good enough. This also helps in the summer as keeps heat out!

I fit this in my job an way boss know if we fitted it everywhere is they check with a thermal image gun.

It's blocks any sort of heat!

Machead yeah i am in the uk i have clicked the link but it wont work although i am on the site looking at the insulation...

Is there a name for it so i can search?



Well-Known Member
Kingspan google that pick up at B&Q but if went to your local building yard prob find it cheaper


Yeah that kingspan is expensive stuff, think it has an R value of 4.5 i need to cover approx 55m2 i dont think i will have the budget for that "just looked at ebay i can get earthwool that has an r value of 4.2 but i could also use a radiant barrier first asda smart price tinfoil 20m for 72p and use that first then that earthwool and then more tinfoil final covering in ply and then that black and white sheeting for the actual room.

i read that a radiant barrier would increase the r value of the other products?

What you think?


Well-Known Member
they come in 8ft by 4ft sheets light as hell an easy to fit to anything an very easy to cut, don't think find anything as good for the price, if you are already trying cut corners i wouldn't bother in first place if i was u.

they are reflective so don't bother with the sheeting fit these an your room is done. an u have nothing to worry about, imo i would not cut corners on the build of the room