Grow Room Temps


Well-Known Member
My closet ranges from 75f to 88f Are these temps ok? Thats with 8 42w cfls and 2 24 inch tubes running for 18 hrs, 88f would be toward the end of the 18 hrs

I figure on a hot day in a marijuana climate it would at least be 90f at the peak of the day

Whats the IDEAL range 70f-85f?


Well-Known Member
you will be ok.

Ideal temps are like 70 to 85 but I think you will be ok if you keep everything under 90. I have heard that when running co2 that is pretty much what you will be running your room at is 90 because it make everything a little hotter. Air holds more stuff or whatever.


Well-Known Member
No co2 here yet just A LOT of light . I bought a indoor outdoor temp sensor and put the outdoor temp sensor in the grow room , so I know what temp it is at all time...remotely, These plants began outside and were very healthy even though we had a whole month of 90+ temps during the second month of their life


Well-Known Member
As far as ventilation goes Im kinda screwed. I have louvered fold open closet doors. so no way to really bring in fresh air outside of leaving a door open during lights on time.

I may eventually replace them with a cheap set of sliding closet doors so I can keep the stink down during flowering and make a scrubber. we shall see. I thought about running an dryer vent connected to the A/V vent but the temp has not yet gone above 90f and its as hot as its gonna get outside right now

Appreciate the responses