Grow room too hot?

Hey guys! First time poster, long time reader. I appreciate all the hard work the big contributors to this site do! This is my first grow in several years, so I guess you can say I'm a bit rusty. I have a 2x4 grow room, (4) 4 ft. 54 Watt 6500K lumen flourescents (only two turned on currently and probably will remain throughout most of veg.) and 2 fans. One is a tower oscilatting fan and another is a circular 12" fan. My seedlings are 2 1/2 days along right now and are sprouting in Rapid Rooter cubes. The only problem with my current setup is the temperature in my grow room. I chose the corner of my closet because it's the most secure and discreet area available to me. I have sealed this 2x4 area and and put my mylar on all four sides. My main goal is to be able to keep this area closed. Although with the door closed temps reach as high as 86-88 degrees. With the door open, temps fall to 78-82 degrees. I have another osciallating tower fan that should be coming in the mail tomorrow. This a much better fan that is supposedly able to keep a small area cool and has a built in thermostat. I'm hoping this new fan will be able to cool down my grow area so I can keep the door closed and my grow area secure.

Currently, I have my grow room door open to provide venilation and I'm having the circular fan blow in fresh air. The temp has stayed around 78-82 degrees throughout most of the 2 1/2 days since the seedlings sprouted, depending on the time of day and how warm it is outside. It has been fairly warm the past few days, mid 80's or so. Although, it should be cooling down drastically over the next few weeks with fall on the horizon. So I doubt I'm going to have to worry about this issue for too much longer. But in the meantime, does any one have any suggestions or tricks on how to keep my grow room cool? I also think my lights might be a bit too powerful for the small area? I'm limited in what I can install. Squirrel cage fans or any kind of sophisticated venitlation systems and too expensive and too much noise. My main goal is too keep this room below 80 degrees and still being able to keep it closed and discreet.

Thanks guys!


Active Member
If you are experiencing temp problems at this point with only 2 fluoro's. What were you planning on doing when you need to add more light? At the age they are now the slightly higher temps are not really an issue as long as you maintain a pretty good rh as well. In a couple of weeks when they go into vegging you are gonna have issues. The only suggestions I can offer is to spend some $ get a small tent and a good exhaust fan. Something that moves a good 400cfm and vent it out of the closet. Perhaps adding a booster fan for intake. But with the closet door closed and no real intake all you are doing is recycling stale air. Heat build up and lack of oxygen to the plants not a good combo. Just my .02
When I need to add more light, which will be probably be a few days before flowering. The outdoor temps should be in the upper 60s at best. So I'm not too worried about turning on the 2 extra bulbs then. Like I said, I am able to keep the room at a decent temp with the door open right now. I'm able to keep the door open, but it's not in my best interest.


Active Member
Well, all I can say then is good luck. Personally I have done an entire veg under 2 70w flouro's so I know it can be done nicely so I am not gonna be a troll and tell you something assanine. You really need to come up with a good way to at least circulate fresh air into the area with the door closed. I am assuming you have possible security issues. So construction no matter how small is likely out of the question. Perhaps you may want to consider a different type of grow, like a pc micro grow. So you don't have to keep it in the closet.


Well-Known Member
Fans move air, they don't cool it. Is there any way to place a vent line where it can pull cooler air from a crawl space or even a shaded spot in the back yard or something? It's too late in the season to have to worry about an AC - you think. What if El Nino keeps it warm until January? End of season, consider buying an off-season AC. Whatever, closed spaces like closets are mother f$%kers to try to ventilate. See my signature for an old man's short list to grow successfully - in that order. Get busy figuring out where to get cooler outside air in and the used air OUT! That's easier.


Well-Known Member
Well, all I can say then is good luck. Personally I have done an entire veg under 2 70w flouro's so I know it can be done nicely so I am not gonna be a troll and tell you something assanine. You really need to come up with a good way to at least circulate fresh air into the area with the door closed. I am assuming you have possible security issues. So construction no matter how small is likely out of the question. Perhaps you may want to consider a different type of grow, like a pc micro grow. So you don't have to keep it in the closet.
Agreed. To me air comes first. hardest to control and needs to be supplied continuously. Unlike water and especially nutrients.