Grow Temp


Thanks for stopping by and checking out my thread.

I have a rubbermaid grow in a 26 or 29 gallon tote, can't remember the size. It has chrome duck tape on the inside instead of mylar and 4 26watt 6500k CFL's. It is currently 75.4 degrees in my room and its 85.6 degrees in the growbox.

I have 2 120mm fans, 1 intake, 1 exhaust. The temps were better but I had to cover up the grow area with shit cause of light leaks. The temps went from around room temp to 10 degrees higher... I really cant uncover the area, removes the stealth side of things.... What can I use to lower the temps? Is 85.5 degree's okay for seedlings?

My room tends to get pretty hot so I need a good way to get it cold in there...

Also, anyone know of a way I can lightproof the pc fans? I don't wanna use piping or anything, trying to keep it just the box, im gonna put a carbon scrubber on the exhaust eventually...


Active Member
to light proof i'd use cardboard and make like a zig zag type design with it... maybe like a "W" shape!! light can't go around corners!!


Well-Known Member
depending on the strain, individual plants, medium, etc., you can most likely get away with 85 degrees. Not ideal though. i've always read that cannabis plants' ideal temp range for photosynthesis is from 72-80 f, with 75 being a safe target. Why would you need to be so stealth all the time? Can't you just cover it up if people are comin over or something? I mean if you're hiding it from your girlfriend or roommate then that's not really realisitic in the long run man. they're gonna find out. I'm not trying to be a jerk, just want you to think about that. I'd just uncover it except when really necessary. Also, why is your room so hot?


Active Member
yeah i wanted stealth too all the time

then i notice its way to fucking hot and the only way to really cool things down and keep it closed would be WAYYY to expensive for me right now at least

so i only have my life time buds over and they know about it they wouldn't fuck me over... so if you can do that or just shut it when you invite people you don't wanna know over

right now my A/C in my window broke... so now its 75 night 85 day been a day so far everything seems normal there growing still

but things that will help cool the area a cold mist humidifier will help slightly maybe 5deg not expensive and will help raise humidity if its low

really the only other thing is like annoying.. frozen solid 2 liter of water behind a fan... gotta change them out alot

um portable A/C expensive uses alot of power you need an exhaust outside...

Window A/C again expensive and it needs to stick half way out your house or window

thats pretty much it bud open door + cold room and fan blowing air in works too but stealth is gone


alotta ppl have reasons to stay stealth.

anyways, i was thinking if i flip my exhaust fan and make it an intake, 2 intake 0 exhaust. how well would that work.


Well-Known Member
man if you dont' have a cool air source available anywhere you're not going to be successful in bringing your temps down to optimal range. Your room is already at the temp optimal for plants' growth. The light generates heat, so unless you can open a window or something, you're not going to be able to cool it off much. Dropping the exhaust fan is not going to do you any favors.