Grow Tent Question and Size Of Plants

Hey guys,

I have a couple of questions.

#1. My tent has a ton of negative pressure. Here are some pics.

I have a 4 inch carbon filter and exhaust fan that is creating it. I know that when it comes to carbon filters that negative pressure is good, but when is too much, too much?

I opened up a 4 inch flange for it to take air from the outside to the tent and I still have the negative pressure. Should I keep opening areas for it or is it ok? I dont want to hurt the plants.


I took clones from my previous plant. I vegged them for too long. Now they are quite tall. If they are going to double when flowering, my tent wont be tall enough for them.

What are my options?

Here are some pics.

This is how much room is left.

Here is a inside shot. You can see all the tent walls caving in from the negative pressure as well.

Thanks for the help in advance everyone!

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
I exhaust from the top of my tent (heat rises), and have 2 6" diameter duct hoses at the bottom of the tent for intake. I still have some sucking in of the tent walls.

Everything looks good and green. :)


Active Member
Negative pressure is OK really. You can add an intake fan as well in one of your 4 inch duct holes, just be sure to add some sort of bug filter to keep pests and other nasties at bay.

I had similar height issues when I went to flower. You can LST, SCROG or TOP/FIM the plants to help with harvest height. You can also do a combination of these to suit your needs.

LST = Low Stress Training. Basically tying up your plant and easily bending the profile down or in some cases pulling a branch up.

SCROG = Screen of Green. This involves some sort of netting or trellis type "screen" that you'll use to tie branches to. Helps in keeping an even canopy by bending taller branches down to the screen.

FIM/TOPping = Pruning top part of plant. This involves cutting the top part of the plant. In FIM technique I believe the plant is cut just directly over the bud node whereas topping simply involves cutting the top above the highest node (I could be wrong on these). Doing this type of pruning basically will make it so 2 branches sprout from the pruned area giving you more "top colas".

You should research all of these and see what would be the best fit for you. Keep in mind any of this is ideally done during the veg stage. Doing any of this during flowering will likely add a week or 2 to your harvest time.
Negative pressure is OK really. You can add an intake fan as well in one of your 4 inch duct holes, just be sure to add some sort of bug filter to keep pests and other nasties at bay.

I had similar height issues when I went to flower. You can LST, SCROG or TOP/FIM the plants to help with harvest height. You can also do a combination of these to suit your needs.

LST = Low Stress Training. Basically tying up your plant and easily bending the profile down or in some cases pulling a branch up.

SCROG = Screen of Green. This involves some sort of netting or trellis type "screen" that you'll use to tie branches to. Helps in keeping an even canopy by bending taller branches down to the screen.

FIM/TOPping = Pruning top part of plant. This involves cutting the top part of the plant. In FIM technique I believe the plant is cut just directly over the bud node whereas topping simply involves cutting the top above the highest node (I could be wrong on these). Doing this type of pruning basically will make it so 2 branches sprout from the pruned area giving you more "top colas".

You should research all of these and see what would be the best fit for you. Keep in mind any of this is ideally done during the veg stage. Doing any of this during flowering will likely add a week or 2 to your harvest time.
Thanks for all the info! ( I added a rep! )

I will add the intake fan as I have an extra one and the screen! The screen is a great idea!

I am going to do LST! It seems best for my needs!

Thanks again!


Active Member
No problem mate. I had the same issues in my tent and went with LSTing as well but sadly I did mine during flowering so it wasn't as effective as if I had started during veg. My LST still worked however so I'm happy and have great insight on what I need to be doing for my next crop :)


Active Member
Hey Palm dont worry about the negative preasure I think anyone running a tent can tell you its normal when you have a carbon filter with and inline. As per your plants I dont think they are going to double up in size your plants look super indica dominant therefore they will barely stretch. I have some indica dom plants in running in my tent and was worried about the stretching but from the day I flipped them they have only grown a few inches so I wouldnt worry. When u flip them if you havent already dont put them to sleep like some ppl do ex. they like to leave them in 24 hrs darkness b4 they flip em 12/12 this will make them stretch. Instead just put them to sleep when the 12th hr comes like lets say u have em in veg 18/6 like from 6 am to 12am u would just put them to sleep at 6pm and keep em from 6am to 6pm. Hope this helps buddy. Happy growing and good luck.


Well-Known Member
I exhaust on top and put a small piece of flexi ducting in the bottom port on the opposite wall to encourage cross flow of the air. I put it in the bottom because cool air sinks and thats what I want for my intake air. I use flexi because I can bend it down and it doesnt let light out the now open port. Also when I'm drying I will plug that end into my dry box to reduce smell.