grow your own wins again

ok so im sure all of us on here grow pot and/or blaze it, duh! i jst harvested one of my plants after some miscommunication with my usual hookup, it was slightly early but not too far off so i decided wat the hell. well this was def the best decision ive made all week:hump: im high as a kite at the moment enjoying one of the most cerebral highs of my life and i jst keeping thinking "i fucking grew that!" mother nature all i can say is you know wat your doing and please remain humble to us inhabitants. remeber all wen in doubt grow your own!, i bow down:weed:
unfortunately i only let it dry for 5 days but this was jst a little sample to hold me off and now that ive got my fix im good :) the rest is gonna get the full treatment though as i dont want all the potential to go to waste jst because i wasn able to wait


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I agree. Humans have a lot of power over mother nature but ultimately were here because she allows it. Hopefully I have the power to grow some killer bud too. Theres nothing like reaping the benefits of all that tender loving work.