Growbox: 400w MH & HPS or CFL


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm about to build my first box. Well, I bought 2 bulbs so far: 400w Metal Halide & High Pressure Sodium. I have no ballast and they are extremely expensive to set up. I dunno what I was thinking. As I hopped on this website I saw multiple growers using CFLs. So, my question is.. which setup is preferred by the public? If CFL is the primary choice, what wattage?

My box will probably be something standard, nothing bigger or smaller as the Average Joe's. I take it I'll be needing more than just one CFL. But if I can get a pointer or two about the whole lighting concept, how do I set it up? All you really need are the bulbs and sockets? Where do you get the sockets and is that even the proper terminology? I'd think a couple lamps from Lowes or Home Depot would be good enough? No ballasts for CFLs I wouldn't think? (I'm not too worried about lighting bills, Free utilities)

So many questions I know, I feel so newbish but its better to ask alot of questions I suppose, rather than Fing something up. Thanks for your time, any feedback would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
MH for vegetative growth and HPS for flowering is preferred. But you gotta have the proper ballast for each or you could start a fire if you mix-n-match. For cost reasons many people start with CFLs and move up when they have cash... or use CFLs for vegetative and get an HPS later.



Well-Known Member
Right on guys, thanks for the quick tips. I guess I'm going to have to upgrade when I start saving. For now I think CFL looks like a good choice... not the optimum. If I were to do a good 3-5 plant operation in me box, what wattage for the CFLs and what quantity of bulbs?

I noticed today CFL ballasts and fixtures are a hell of alot easier to come by at a local hardware store than any HID set up. I think I'm going to have to go up to my local hydro store when I get the money.

Thanks again for the help, just a bit confused :) I'll be on my way shortly.


Active Member
If you have free utilities, THEIR bills will go up...they may come ask you about the recent spike in usage.


Well-Known Member
I'm confident in the fact that spikes will not be a problem, which is why I stated that so I wouldn't have to elaborate the situation...


Well-Known Member
Cfl are excellent, they fit in household fixtures (just make sure it can support wattage) you can add them as you go, and they are gr8 for 1st grows, when i used cfls i ordered them from this place Light bulbs, Rope Lights, Halogen and Fluorescent bulb - 1000-Bulbs - The Light Bulb Superstore for the bigger bulbs you cant get at local stores with some 23w for side lighting, (you can go to the Goodwill and get a vanity and rewire it). Too bad about the cash you waisted on those hps bulbs, how much did you pay? I will buy hem from you


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty nifty website man, the ballasts are super cheap. But they don't look like all the other ballasts I see, I wonder why... But regardless, they have really good prices, I'm just not down w/ paying w/ plastic w/ this sort of stuff, straight cash!

Well, I bought 2 bulbs, both 400w, that ran me $25 each, $55 tax! I feel like such a waste, I have the receipt I just hope they will refund an open box.


Well-Known Member
I hope they take em back, yea i used that site to order some cfls, got 4 of the 105w and 1 of the 85w (true watts) i am now using them for side lighting with my 600w hps. But cfls started me off with a really nice grow (check out my journal if you get a chance)...

Good luck, keeps us posted!!


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks bro! I'll peep your journal when I get back online tomorrow, I'll be sure to keep you posted and who knows, maybe my friend will let me borrow his digital camera so I can post some hard work of my box thats soon to come. Hopefully it isn't going to be a complete blunder! Until then mate.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you already spend 50 bucks on the bulbs why not go the extra hundred and get a switchable ballast. From what ppl have told me the first thing your going to want after your CFL grow is a sweet HPS system.
the light intensity is gonna be alot more intense then multiple CFLs and the plants will appreciate it


Well-Known Member
No doubt bro, but the cheapest ballast I can bank is for a bill and its a POS. More of a Heater than a ballast, very unstable. I can get probably a digital for $250. You're right though, I should probably go the extra mile, even though I can't run for $hit. In the mean time I bought a CFL grow bulb.... the thing is, the guy told me to get a light fixture at Home Depot, so I went and ya, they don't have a CFL 95w socket thing... Very annoying. I can't find any light fixtures it seems. The only place I can get light fixtures are at my hydroponic shop that completely overprices things and they only have HID gear (no CFL gear...). Heres a link of the bulb.. any ideas of where I can get a socket?
You know... bulb to 12v plug in.
The light has a built in ballast so... heres a pic.


Well-Known Member
You're right bro. Its just the fact that ballast around my area seem to be overpriced. The cheapest I've seen went for a bill and it was a POS. It acted more as a heater rather than an actual ballast, very unstable. I went to my local hydroponic store and everything in there costed an arm and a leg. I tried getting a CFL setup and all they really had was t5s hookups. The 95w grow light CFL I purchased I got from the shop, they told me to hit up my Home Depot and ask them for a socket fixture, which I did and no dice. So I'm all annoyed I can't find any setups for my new CFL bulb and when I finally do find stuff for my former MH & HPS bulbs, I return them. But a decent 400w ballast are $250-300 and I do not have the $$$ for that at this time. I'm gonna have to wait while I veg.

Would you guys happen to know where I can get a damn light fixture for my CFL 95w Grow Light?


Well-Known Member
?? Ya, I'm saving. I won't be as cheap after a grow or 2. I just can't find a simple light fixture for a CFL 95w Grow Light. Not even a reflector, just a socket to surge protector fixture! :( No dice mate! I'm gonna hit up Ace Hardware tomorrow and see if they have a converting socket so I can just plug it in to a standard fixture.


Well-Known Member
they should man. my local ace has what your looking for for 8 bucks a socket. but like everyone else said man after you get your cfls hooked up your ganna be kicking youself for not finding a ballast. check around online. u can find switchable ballasts for 150 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Hey billy, if you can, could you link me the 8 buck socket from Ace Hardware. I checked both online and at the store. But I've been wrong many of time.

I know!!! I know!!! The fact of the matter is I'm gonna have to swing some shwag before I can start buying ballasts and HIDs. I can't blow my whole earnings on the best... yet!! I'm a young, independent kid so I have lots to pay for, which is why I'm picking up this new hobby. I need the green & green. Thanks for lookin' out billy. Just gotta go ghetto on first grow. I'm gonna link pictures of my dysfunctional box as soon as its up. But in the mean time, yeah, see if you can find that fixture for $8 you were talking about. I could sure use the info. Thx bro.