Growbox setup


Active Member

I'm new here and I need a second opinion on a growbox I'm about to build. Since I couldn't find a satisfying answer with search. :P

Anyway, my box will be made of wood, isolated and covered with right materials, 130 cm high and 65x65 cm wide. There will be 9 WxH 20x25 cm cubes for lowryders #2 + HPS 250W light in cool tube and powerful exhaust for the heat.

That's what's for sure. I'm wondering if only inch of space between cubes and growbox will be a problem, if the box is high enough, what's the optimal distance between light in a cooltube and lowryder #2, what ventilation I need to use for letting new air in and smelly air over the filter out.

btw, 1inch=2,54cm

I'm from europe and I'm not used to inches, sorry! :-(


Well-Known Member
Have you seen this? It's almost the exact same size as what you're building. You can get it for $99 on eBay. I'm only using it for vegging, since I don't think it's tall enough to use for flowering, especially if you're going to put an HPS in there. They make other sizes too, this is just the smallest one.


Active Member
I decided to put together larger box - 70x80x130cm + HPS 250W in a cool tube. I'm wondering how strong must ventilation be for succesful cooling for HPS and how shuld the rest of ventilation look like. I ned numbers and examples. Cooltube fi will be 125mm.