Growdrobe - Pics of ongoing project to convert a wardrobe into a grow area


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post here but I have to thank Rollitup first for being such an informative website for growing, and other websites which I prefer not to mention, all respect.

I am taken a wardrobe and converting it into a grow area. I will not go into the parts I used to make the growdrobe.

The room is not insulated with any materiasl to reduce sound or vibration. The only thing I used was caulking to seal the gaps between the wood parts.

The back of the wardrobe is made of cheap and very thing piece of particle board, I think that's what it is. It is the type of wood that looks like cardboard.

I will just show some pics of the ongoing project. I am not that good for creating instruction and guides but you can use my pictures for a guide.

This is the first room I have ever created, any questions are accepted but since this is my first time I am expecting it to be a disaster.

Also, this grow will be all CFL.

Let's see how far this goes!


Well-Known Member

I would like to let everryone know that it took me about two weeks to get to this point as there was loads of reasearch that had to be done before proceeding just anyones guide.

For this grow closet I needed something stealthy. That is why I installed the carbon filter.

The fan is very noisy so I picked up a speed controller to adjust the speed of the fan to a lower speed which reduces the noise to what a 4" centrifugal sounds like. In this setup it is fine to reduce the speed of the fan as the cfm of the fan on full blast will overload the carbon filter and probably not be able to filter the smell. So reducing it to a little over medium speed makes it sound much better. BTW, the noise is coming from the final exhaust. It is the sound of a lot of air coming out.

Also, I would like to note that reducing the speed below medium on the can fan 6" High Output made it sound like a buzzing sound. That is because the fan was not intended to be running on that speed. So just a little over medium was perfect.



Well-Known Member
The last picture of the setup is sideways. I apologize as this is my first time posting. If I new how to rotate it i would. I tried to delete it but it ended up as a thumbnail.


Well-Known Member
The last picture of the setup is sideways. I apologize as this is my first time posting. If I new how to rotate it i would. I tried to delete it but it ended up as a thumbnail.​


Active Member
Nice start m8, welcome to RIU.

I hope ya going to run the ducting out of a hole in side else ya just moving hot air around inside the cupboard?

The buzzing sound I would have thought is because your using a rheostat to control the speed? If you used a speed controler with pulse width modulation "pwm" you wouldent get any buzzing sound even at low speed.


Well-Known Member
I am stuck now for about 4 hours thinking of an intake. Should I make it passive intake only, or should I install some fans for intake with no passive, or both? I will be researching probably for another day before I determine the best solution for this setup. The temperature in the house is about 80 degrees on a daily average.

The wardrobe stays at 80 degrees with fan on, just the way it is on the pictures. I just wonder where and how big and how many holes should i cut?


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot dude I will look into that real soon.

I will be running the ducting out the top of the closet. I should have noted that earlier.

I am posting a few more pics of the setup as it is now, still no intake. I need to research more and narrow my options.


Active Member
I always use a passive intake as this allows negative air preasure in the cab so all the smelly air goes through the carbon filter. just dont forget a bug screen to keep out the unwanted nastys.


Well-Known Member
The light fixture is hanging with some chaines and s hooks for easily lowering or rising the fixture.

With this light fixture I can have up 10x 42 Watt CFL 6500K Spectrum for Vegetation stage.

Then I can change the lights to a 2700k Spectrum for Flowering. Eventually this wardrobe will have a Vegetation shelf on the right side.

*I have not made a hole for the exhaust because I am still thinking whether to make it in the back or the top of the wardrobe. I am thinking to make the whole on top, they say it's better that way.

It was hard to take pictures of the wardrobe after mylar was installed, the reflection puts everythin in the picture, sorry but Here are some pics of the progress, the best I can show.


Well-Known Member
I always use a passive intake as this allows negative air preasure in the cab so all the smelly air goes through the carbon filter. just dont forget a bug screen to keep out the unwanted nastys.
Do you have any fans for the passive intake, or just some holes?


Active Member
Passive means no fans, active means fans actively pushing air.

So just some holes with a bug screen will work nicely!

I would vent out the top of the cabnet not side, this blows hot air up away from intakes at bottom.


Active Member
Looks good man. How big of holes are you going to use for your intake? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my intake if I need one or if my 1 and 1/2" gab between the door and floor will allow enough air to come in. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. How big of holes are you going to use for your intake? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my intake if I need one or if my 1 and 1/2" gab between the door and floor will allow enough air to come in. Keep us updated.
It depends how strong your exhaust is.


Well-Known Member
I have been testing it for an hour and the temperature in there is about 87 degrees. I think it's too hot in there, when I open the door it feels like a steam bath.

Maybe I could cut more holes, or it could mess up the passive intake.


Active Member
feel how much air is comming out with door shut, then open and feel. should be about the same, if not more holes!


Well-Known Member
feel how much air is comming out with door shut, then open and feel. should be about the same, if not more holes!
The amount of air coming out of the exhaust feels the same when I open or close the door. But when I open the door I can feel pressure like if the exhaust can still puul more air out.

The temperature in the room was 82 degrees, and that's with all the windows open. The temperature in the growdrobe was just reaching 90 degrees, that's too hot.

I turned on the A/C in the room and the growdrobe temperature went down to just around 85 degrees, that's fair enough.

Thank's Essex. I will probably cut more holes, to cool it off in the growdrobe.

BTW, the temperatures in the growdrobe I tested were with the lights on. The amount of lights were close to 200 watts of CFL.