Growin' In The Dorm


So I get that it is possible to grow in a dorm room( i have a big closet next year :D ) but how easy is it to get caught? Like how stanky can the plants themselves get?

I am hoping there is someone here who's done it :)


Well-Known Member
This would depend a lot on the dorm room. Can you get air in and out of the closet? Do you have people in your room frequently?
I never tried growing at school, it never seemed like a safe possibility. Growing mushrooms is a much better alternative (hey they'll even finish during the semester.


Well-Known Member
i've seen a fair number of threads titled 'growing in the dorm', most have not ended well
unless you're going be over the top with a stealth setup, a very bad idea


Undercover Mod
they do regular room checks for fire hazards where i went to school do it if you want to get kicked out of school and go to prison for 10 years


bud bootlegger
i would never risk a college degree and any future jobs that you may obtain as a result of having said college degree over growing a lil bud... soo not worth it... do yourself a favor and wait till you're done school, and while you're there, take up some botany and or biology classes so you can learn to be a better grower when you do get out of school.. either that, or go for engineering and learn how to build a better mouse trap, err, hydro system, and really kill it when you're out of school... you'll thank me for it in 4 or 5 years from now...
I knew a couple in my grouping of rooms who did this when I was in college. A resident assistant got tipped off and ended up catching them in the act of growing, the RA called the pigs, they ended up going to jail and getting a perma ban from the campus. The fines/jail time prevented both of them from returning to a college. They now work at a convenience store and McDonalds. Not a good idea. Just buy your weed, it's everywhere in college.


Well-Known Member
Just hold off on doing it in the dorms, bette idea would be to pull a guerilla grow somewhere near campus, as campus' often have park type land. I am assuming you are going to be a freshmen, so i will say this, hold off until you get an apartment by YOURSELF, you cant trust other people.